Chapter 6: DADA and Herbology

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Sebastian hadn't been able to calm his anger from earlier, still absolutely irate at how easily Leander was to pull not only his best friend but the new student into his tormenting. Sebastian had once thought of Ominis as possibly being more than a friend to him, but that was always just a distant fantasy for him. He's loved the boy for so long but despite his air of confidence, when it came to actually confessing his long held feelings for his long time friend it proved to be a challenge even Sebastian wasn't ready to take on as of yet. He couldn't lie to himself that the disgusted way Ominis spat the word "Boyfriend" in regards to Sebastian had hurt him a bit, but he was able to move on from it, he wouldn't risk his friendship over it. As for the new student, it only made sense he stuck with Sebastian and Ominis the whole day, he was new to the school and in their house. It didn't make him a pet to them. The boys weren't making the poor new kid do their homework or ordering him around like some servant, they were simply showing him around a new school.

Sebastian was hardly able to pay attention to Professor Hecat's lecture on the levitation charm, Levioso, as he stewed in his own anger at the redheaded Gryffindor he was unfortunate enough to share a class with, fantasizing about all the ways he could best him in a fight. It wasn't until Hecat had announced they would be dueling using their new spell that Sebastian had snapped back into this current reality. Sebastian was looking forward to another go at Leander, especially with a new spell. However, much to his displeasure, Hecat would be choosing the pairings, so it was unlikely Sebastian and Leander would be dueling in this class again today. Sebastian sighed at the fact he wouldn't get to best his rival once again, but his attention was soon turned to the professor in surprise when she announced who his dueling partner would be. None other than the new student himself, River Blackwood. Sebastian hasn't had the pleasure of learning of the boy's dueling capabilities just yet, so this was the perfect opportunity to figure out how good, or bad, the boy was in a fight. He smirked as he turned to look at the new student who was standing to the right of Ominis, Sebastian on the blonde's left. However, his smirk faltered as he saw the despondent look on the boy's face. He looked almost horrified at the prospect of dueling Sebastian. Maybe because he just watched him nearly crush a boy with a dragon skull? Sebastian made a mental note to take it easy on River for his first time dueling the new student.

The students gathered around the small dueling platform that Hecat summoned into the classroom and Sebastian and River watched the students duel each other, using only basic cast, levioso and protego as instructed by the professor. Sebastian described the duels as best as he could to Ominis who stood between the other two boys. Once Imelda Reyes, their fellow Slytherin, had put Leander on his ass once more, Sebastian and River were only two pairs away from their duel. Ominis couldn't help but notice the sound of River nervously bouncing on the balls of his feet, or the sound of his dry hands rubbing together in anticipation of his duel with Sebastian. Ominis could only hope Sebastian wouldn't accidentally hurt the boy. Sebastian walked over to stand behind and between Ominis and River so he could talk to both of them easier.

"Excited for our own duel?" Sebastian asked, noticing the boy's nervous fidgetting, trying to make his voice sound light. River looked at the brunette, a twinge of slight worry on his face as he quickly looked away from Sebastian and back to the dueling platform.

"Of course, why wouldn't I be?" He didn't sound very convincing and he himself didn't sound convinced at his own words as they came out almost strangled and worried. He definitely noticed how strong of a duelist Sebastian was just by putting Leander, rightfully, on his ass, but now that River had to duel Sebastian, he wasn't too keen on being on the receiving end of Sebastian's spells. However he was glad that Hecat limited them to only 3 spells, but they're Slytherins. Fighting fair wasn't exactly what they were known for, leave that to the Gryffindors. Or even the Hufflepuffs, he just hoped Sebastian actually would fight fair even if it was just for this one duel.

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