19. Comforting her

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I ran towards the direction of the sound. The sound was coming from the basement.
I shouted while banging my hands on the locked basement door.

Another loud screech made it's way to my ears worrying the soul out of me.

"OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR KIM Y/N" I screamed at the top of my lungs as I started kicking and banging the door more vigorously.

Suddenly the noises of destruction and screams stopped.
Shit! They were replaced by cries and sobs and sniffs.

Panic stuck me hard. Fuck! I can't stand listening her sobbing. My heart felt a sharp pang.


The door burst opened due to the excessive pressure.
My heart shattered into billion pieces upon seeing the sight in front of me. The room was dim. Everything was destroyed. Pieces of broken flower wase and bear bottles were scattered all over the floor.

And in the corner there, y/n was sitting while hugging her knees. Her face was buried in her knees crying vulnerably. I've never seen her so weak so vulnerable so broken so fragile.

I rushed towards her and hugged her curled up figure while caressing her hair delicately.
"Shushh , babe everything's gonna be alright."
I said while a single tear rolled down my cheek too.

"Calm down darling, I'm here"
I whispered patting her back.
She looked up at me then hugged me tightly as she clutched my t-shirt. I held her securely in my arms while my t-shirt drenched in her tears.
She just sobbed hard while her face was buried in my chest and I patted her back and let her cry.

After sometime I picked her up and carried her in my arms to her bedroom. I layed her down on her bed in sitting position with her upper body leaned on the headboard of the bed. I layed down beside her and engulfed her in tight hug while she continued sobbing.

"You..kno-ww..*sniff* I so-lv-ed ...the mys-teryy o-of ...*sniff* my parents de-eath to-d-day" she said in between her sobs and her head rested on my shoulder.

"I can't believe *sob* someone could go this lower, someone could be this cruel. *Sniff* it's unbearable...the pain's unbearable kook" she said and I just listened to her carefully while comforting her in bestest possible way.

" Years ago I used to be *sniff* happy with my *sob* parents. But Jeons snatched each and everything from *sniff* me including my parents and...*sniff* and *sob*"
I cupped her face and kissed her forehead.
"And what princess?" I asked her to continue but rather speaking she clutched my t-shirt and sobbed even harder.
I just caressed her kept planting comforting kisses here and there.

"It's ok skip that part, don't tell me"
I said as I don't wanna force her to say anything.
She nodded and continued
"On that day my soul died with my parents. All emotions vanished from my eyes *sob* just sheer hatred and a fire ignited in me. My life's only goal is revenge. I'll give them a death that even the Satan's soul would tremble in fear at the sight of cruelness."
She said and just stayed like that for a couple of minutes.

I got answers to many of questions.
Deep down I knew that she isn't as normal as she looks from outside.
Deep down she's burning and suffering.

I can't even imagine what must've she felt or feeling upon seeing soul shattering clip of her parents murder. No doubt , why she is like this.I would be the same if something like this had happened to me.

"I'm with you baby, no matter what the consequences will be. Trust me"
I said while I kissed her forehead again.

It's still unbelievable, how could my own brother and uncle fall down to this level. I'm ashamed of being a Jeon. I ashamed that I'm connected to such monstrous and filthy people.
I won't forgive them. Never.

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