20. it wasn't my fault

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~Y/n's pov~

*5:30 in the morning*

I slowly opened my eyes when I felt that something is coiling strongly around my torso.

Fuck! I'm non other than Han jungkook's arms. Really?!
Then I diverted my gaze to my own self.
Shit! I'm in my undergarments.
Then I sighed when realisation hit me. Oh atleast I'm in my undergarments.

My head was aching heavily and then just then I started recalling the events from the start. Soon I memorized everything after I was kidnapped.

The heck. How can a fucking drug have this kind of effect. Like really my brain cells were numb. I couldn't think nor realise my actions. Why was I acting so clingy and lovey-dovey though?

I facepalmed myself for how stupidly and dumbly I behaved.
And wait a second...
Motherfucking shit!
I was so desperate and needy yesterday. I'm extremely offended by my own self, thanks to the poor man whose gentlemanliness stopped me from crossing my limits.

I can't believe that it was me. I know the how much I was suffering after seeing...ahh it's difficult, extremely difficult. But still no matter how much weak or vulnerable or drugged or wasted I am, I can't submit myself to anyone. I won't let anyone play with my dignity eventhough my sanity is lost for a moment.

Then why jungkook? Why did I let him do things to me? Even I was the one to asked him to numb my pain?
Umm... Do I really have a thing for him? I don't know. How can I ? I can't feel anything. Better if I don't.

And yeah I also told him a few things about my past. I never told anyone before. I don't mind telling him though. Things that are happening in between us give me a reason to trust him.

I can trust him. Atlast he was the one who saved my life and dignity. Otherwise I almost had lost it once again. I can't even imagine what things would be if he hadn't rescued me that day.

I let a huge sigh of relief and got up from the bed. I walked towards the washroom.  Unknowingly my steps halted and I turned around to look at him.

Oh-so-cute was the first thing that striked in my mind. The sunlight from the window was kissing him making him more attractive than he already is. Bangs carelessly falling on his forehead. His hand tattoos can be clearly seen from his half sleeve t-shirt. I didn't observe the small mole below his lips yet, that's cute. His lip piercing was shining in sunlight. His skin looked so beautiful and fluent, absolutely radient and feather smooth.

Oh God! Wow! I facepalmed myself.
It's been 15 minutes since I'm shamelessly drooling over the ethereal man in front of my eyes.
I feel like a pervert.
"You're possessing me Jungkook"
I said and turned around to walk away.


Jeon Mansion

~Author's pov~

"DAD HAVE YOU LOST YOUR SANITY?! HUH!" baekyung shouted at Jaebum.

" How can you ask me to run away!? Do I look like a fucking coward?!"
Baekyung said.


" If I haven't arrived there with that bitch aerum's brother ( y/n's uncle)
than both of us must be resting in peace till now." Jaebum yelled at baekyung.

" But dad I didn't have any idea that that slut could be this hard to fight "
Baekyung said while his head hanging low.

Jaebum smacked his shoulder and baekyung screeched in pain.
" But son didn't I told you either that she's not the same weak y/n"
He mocked him and then again slapped his arm.
"Aghh dad it hurts" baekyung whined while cupping his paining arm.
" Didn't I told you not to underestimate her." Jaebum said and kicked baekyung's foot.
" Dadd!" Baekyung whined again.

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