18. Y/n's wasted

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~Jungkook's pov~

Rage completely took over me. Just my gaze was enough to burn a living human being. I can't believe my own brother who loved and cared for me so much has fallen to this level. I'm utterly disappointed at the first but wrath can't be replaced by any other emotion.

How dare he touch Y/n, my Y/n!!

I won't hesitate a bit rip the fucking soul out of their bodies who try to touch her. It doesn't matter if it's my own bloody brother. I'll kill him, break those disgusting hands that touched, burn those eyes which looked at her. I love her to the extent of killing anyone and everyone for her. I'll kill for her and die for her.

It's hard to believe that my own brother whom I placed above than anyone, whom I loved and respected is attempting to.......rape!! And that too my precious Y/n!

I'm utterly frustrated, not that it's just about y/n. No. He can't force himself on anyone. That's greatly disappointing. I'm ashamed to be a brother of a fucking psyco rapist.

I controlled myself and somehow managed to not kill him as Chairman Kim told me. I don't know why but he just asked me not to.

I've never seen y/n so fragile and weak. My heart shattered into billion pieces looking at her. Looking at her was more difficult for me not to kill baekyung.

I fired at her handcuffs and freed her. She looked totally flustered due to what just happened. I stood in front of her and offered her my hand so she could stand.

She took it and stood up. I stood frozen at my stop tightening my fists so hard that my knuckles turned white in order to calm down the burning wrath in me.

I took a step forward. She backed away not trusting me. I got her point and I started removing my gloves. I slowly peeled the mask off my face.

Her eyes lit up and a wide smile crept on her face replacing all the fear. The next thing I knew was she jumped on me tightly engulfing my nape in between her arms. Her legs wrapped around my turso.

All the anger in my body vanished seeing her reaction and the very unexpected warm hug that I got, buried all the tension and worries in me.

I hugged back with a double intensity squeezing our bodies together. I could feel each and every curve of her body against mine.
It was a warm and soothing hug.

" KOOKIE!!" she exclaimed with joy and kissed my jawline making me blush while her arms never left my body.

Kookie!? Did she really call me kookie or I'm crazy?
I must've misheard.

"JUNGKOOKIEE" she said again and kissed my cheek arousing me to the extent with her simple touches.

Is this y/n ?

I'm glad that she's happy seeing me here and isn't rejecting me like always.

I rested my chin on her shoulder. Our bodies still clinging like I it's the last time I'm seeing her.

After a few more minutes she broke the hug.
I kissed all over her face while cupping her face with my palms.
She's shedding tears now.
I kissed the tear that rolled down her cheek and yanked her against my chest.

I held the back of her head burying her face in my chest with my other hand coiling unbelievably tight around her waist.
"Shhh. Don't cry baby I'm here." I reassured her and kissed the top of her head.

I held her like that until the sounds of sobs and sniffs totally stopped.

Suddenly I felt her grip loosening around my turso and her body started retarding towards the ground. Before she could slip I held her.

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