43. forgive me

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Walking in the direction that you were told, you push the little bushes aside of the track and walk straight. " I didn't know this place has so much place" you mumble to yourself and continued.

It's already sunset. The view from this point is such a beauty. You feel so unfortunate that you missed these beautiful things. All you know is dark. Red. Blood.

You eyes get a glint of tear. Your heart pounded in your chest. A lot of emotions bursting inside of you. Your mouth agape and you quickly cover it up with one of your hands. Your breathing fastens. You can't believe that this is even true.

Yes. Jungkook .he's standing in front of you, but his back facing you. All in black with his hands tucked in his pant pockets while silently watched the sunset. Your so happy at this moment but too numb to process what's even happening.

Is this for real?

Minutes passed and you stood there froze in the same position gawking at his back until he turns around in slow motion.

His dark brown hair that are longer than before and bangs that carelessly fell on his forehead, skin is as flawless as ever, those kissable pouty lips, that perfect jawline

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His dark brown hair that are longer than before and bangs that carelessly fell on his forehead, skin is as flawless as ever, those kissable pouty lips, that perfect jawline. How can I not realise that he was soo beautiful and ethereal all this time. Too good to be true, too good to be mine.

And those deep chocolate brown eyes, that you yearned to get a glimpse and the orbs that made you tear up whenever you spot someone with the same chocolaty eyes but then you realise that they're not his. It reminded you of him. You've cried remembering these pair of eyes.

Those doe eyes were now staring into mine , Piercing holes in my soul.
You now realise that you are currently running in his direction.
With no control over your emotions, your body collided with jungkook's. Your arms almost chocked his neck due to how they are coiled around his neck.

As soon as your body crashed into his, with the sudden force on jungkook's body, he falls on his back flat on the ground with you on him. He didn't react to it nor hugged you back.

While you held his face in both of your palm and plant kisses all over his face again and again. " I love you kook, so damn much." And finally your confession was the first thing you did. Meanwhile tears of happiness stream down your cheeks.

He was taken aback at your sudden presence and the bone crushing hug, the kisses, now you confessed? His chest tightens , his hand are loosing control on holding back from squeezing your little body in between them.

You are pecking him again and again on his lips " don't leave me..... Ever again....... Please " you say being overwhelmed, that you don't even know what are you doing and he isn't even reacting.

You were too happy and whipped to notice his straight face and cold eyes, his lips are sealed in a thin line not saying anything but his dark brown eyes never looked away , he's looking at each and every move you make.

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