Chapter 1: Bound And Chained

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Chapter 1: Bound And Chained

Darkened Basement, Unknown Location, Unknown State...

       Rapid movement had been the only thing a young and terrified Oliva Gainsborough had recalled amid her time huddled in the back of the murderous brute's trunk. She'd seen him single-handedly gun down her entire family as if it had been an everyday occurrence what had made it even more unnerving had been that he didn't seem to have an ounce of human emotion at all when it came to snuffing out the lives of the cared about with cold precision and an icy demeanor, he shoved her into the trunk of his car without a word and slammed down the hood as if she'd been random luggage and he'd been in some kind of hurry.

As the seconds gave way to minutes and possibly hours, Olivia felt the speeding of the car down a highway and found herself tossed about between the trunk and whatever had been lugged in the back with her. It wasn't in the least a dignified means of being kept alive, but it was more than she could say for her poor family.

Sitting alone in the darkness of the strange car's trunk, she realized that life as she had known it was well and truly over. Helpless tears had swelled in the corners of her eyes despite her attempts to force them back. It had been all she could do to alleviate the agony she felt in the pit of her chest as the faces of her loved ones happy and smiling returned to her in a rather bittersweet flash before she'd seen them lifeless and still covered with blood after being riddled with hot metal bullets that tore at their flesh and organs puncturing them to drown them in their own blood before they had even hit the ground.

The Monster, it was how she thought of the bastard that had killed them and taken her captive, to what aim she had not been aware but she had not thought of that cold-blooded murderer as anything human after what he had done and how callously he had seemed to relish in it.

She shuddered not to think of his cold-dead-looking eyes as deep and dark as a bottomless pit or an empty well, his touch had been equally cold and his words when he did speak had been sharp as knives in the wake of his tempermental threats to end her life for his own amusement. She dared not press him, not even from the back of the trunk as there had been no telling what he intended to do to the only living witness to his heinous crime against her poor family.

Olivia simply sat as the tears continued wanting whatever this was to be over as soon as possible. She had not been in a hurry to die but she had been over the riding in the trunk of The Monster's car.

It had appeared that she'd been given her wish as the car had finally stopped for longer than a few minutes and she noted how the rumbling had stopped indicating that the engine had been turned off. At first, she'd been apprehensive, wondering if he had just stopped to discard her and the car to save himself the trouble of having further witnesses, then the clicking that made her heart stop and her breath hitch had indicated otherwise as the trunk popped open.

The light had been bright as it hit her eyes and the fresh air had been a short-lived boon due to The Monster's angry face appearing before her as he reached inside with something odd in his large hands. Believing it had been his gun, she attempted to scoot away from him only for him to grab her by the throat with his free hand and shove something cold and painful into the flesh of her most accessible arm.

Olivia had barely registered it as pain from the pinprick of a needle before she had succumbed to the concoction inside which had been meant to put her under. She had finally become quite limp as the brute who had killed her family pulled her out of the stuffy trunk draped her body over his shoulder and carried her toward a rather large and elegant-looking house. It had been the last thing she saw before everything faded into darkness.


Darkened Basement, Unknown Location...

Darkness once more surrounded a rather groggy and confused Olivia Gainsborough as she slowly began to gain a measure of consciousness. She found that she'd been chained at the wrists and ankles and bound to a heavy metal pole in what appeared to her weary mind to have been a basement. There had been enough of the heavy chain for her to move about in short bursts but nothing to allow her any real means of freedom or escape. She had felt the cold air that surrounded her and grimaced at the onset of pain in her head as her legs once more gave way and she passed out from whatever The Monster had put in her already heavily taxed system.

She had not known what it was that the brute who had taken her captive had in store for her but she had been alive, which was more than she could say about anyone else that had been unfortunate to have crossed his path. More confusion and the nagging heaviness of her body had made it extremely difficult to concentrate and Olivia found herself feeling even more helpless than she'd been when in the trunk of the brute's car.

Her heart raced but she'd been getting nowhere fast as she began to sweat profusely and the fog of confusion continued to take hold of her otherwise good sense dulling her intellect as well as her instincts the longer she'd been under the mysterious drug's influence.

As she slowly faded into a loss of consciousness she had a thought of how much she had hated The Monster and everything his callousness had done to her and her now-dead family. 

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