Chapter 3: Like A Rat In A Trap

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Chapter 3: Like A Rat In A Trap

Darkened Basement, Unknown Location, Unknown State...

     Once more the ailing yet surviving heiress known as Olivia Gainsborough found herself alone in the darkness of whatever cellar The Monster who had killed her family kept her prisoner. There had been so much running through her mind, as the images of her deceased family members and all the blood had come flooding back into her memory banks. The urge to vomit filled her as her body shook with grief and agony beyond measure only for her eyes to burst open to find her once more locked via chains in the darkness of the basement prison The Monster had made for her. Rage and sorrow seemed to have been her only constant companions in this cold and damp place and to make matters worse, she'd found that she'd been completely naked in the wake of the last visit from the brutal bastard that had taken everything from her.

Despite her given appearance and lack of clothing, she didn't need him to have to tell her that he'd removed her clothes as a means of punishment for her previous round of defiance and not perversion which wasn't entirely ruled out as she sat shivering amid the cold her bare body exposed to not only the elements of the darkened basement but the ever watchful gaze of The Monster that had saw fit to keep her in this strange and unwelcome place.

Olivia knew that he had not touched her in any fashion other than injecting her with whatever had been in that syringe he carried and removing her items of clothing. She had not known how she'd known but she had and it was only a small measure of comfort to her. Still reeling from their latest encounter, Olivia found herself attempting to huddle to keep warm when she heard the all too familiar heavy footsteps shuffling above her. He'd been back and on the move it seemed, making sure to draw out every agonizing step knowing perhaps just how much it unnerved her to have to hear them.

The door to the basement opened and sure enough, he'd been heading toward her, the massive muscled brute now shirtless as he moved toward her in the same dark suit slacks and heavy black boots he'd worn when he'd been at her home. She had not known how long she'd been here, trapped with this monstrous brute like a rat caught in a cage and chained to heavy iron fetters, but she'd known it was a lot longer than a week given the grime she felt against her bare skin.

The very sight of him had turned her stomach and she continued to huddle to keep her naked body out of his direct line of sight. The Monster had not cared about her petty attempts of concealment, he easily stepped toward her and lifted her off her feet with ease before slamming her back first into the cold hard stone wall behind them. Olivia let out something of a groan in the wake of the newfound pain she felt racing across her back and spine as the brute glared at her holding her smaller body up with ease as if he'd had the strength of ten men on tap and had not been worried in the slightest about the strain.

She nearly whimpered when he pressed his large chest against her breasts and struggling hands while he swiftly parted her legs as he pinned her against the wall not at all having concern for how cold and hurt she'd been in the process of his brute force getting the better of her. As she dangled before him, she could have sworn she'd seen a flicker of something, dark and dangerous behind his already unnerving eyes. The flicker had been one of malice she'd been sure of, spending even a small amount of time in the presence of this murderer had been more than enough to make her sure of it.

His massive bare chest had been rippled with muscle and cold, about as cold as the stone wall she'd been hurled against when he first arrived. Olivia had little choice in the way of comfort given her position and nakedness in the face of the hulking brute who had taken it upon himself to kidnap her after he had murdered her family. She wanted so badly to spit in his face, show him the same amount of disrespect he'd shown her when he'd first entered the basement, but she'd known all too well it would only result in more pain for her.

The Monster had been eerily silent since arriving and slamming her into the nearby wall, and it made her all the more nervous about what he had in store for her this time around. There was no sign of the syringe and no food of any sort, just him, standing half-naked with his chest pressed against hers and her naked body at the mercy of his brute strength and the cold hard wall.

Olivia had had enough of the waiting game after several moments passed with just his twisted brand of heavy breathing amid the darkness.

"W-What do you want from me?" she asked still well in the way of defiance as he let out something of a growl before forcefully parting her thighs and shoving a very cold hand between them.

Olivia screamed as he plunged two very large and cold fingers into her formerly untouched sex causing her breath to hitch from the sensation and painful intrusion alone. He smirked seemingly relishing both her disbelief and her silent suffering as he plunged his fingers in and out of her writhing body purposely breaking her barrier with force as he held her in place against the wall with ease. She hated him even more as her body attempted to make sense of the vile intrusion quickly lubricating and soaking his fingers to avoid any further discomfort. Some had been blood, from her broken virtue and some had been the result of the urine she'd unleashed as payback for his forced intrusion coating his hand and wrist as the warm yellow liquid oozed from between her thighs.

The ploy seemed to have little to no effect on him as he continued to plunge his large cold fingers in and out of her before letting her fall to the ground and walking off without another word leaving her in further pain and humiliation, her rage burned even brighter and she seethed as she watched his masculine frame retreat up the stairs and leave her once more into the darkness amid the stench of stale urine and dampness. 

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