Chapter 5: The Stalking Of Prey

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Chapter 5: The Stalking Of Prey

Darkened Basement, Unknown Location, Unknown State...

     The thick haze that seemed to dictate Olivia Gainsbrough's every thought and movement seemed to slowly ebb away as she found herself able to roll onto her side and attempt to make sense of her surroundings again. Her body had been quite heavy in the wake of her opening her eyes for the first time in she didn't know how long since the brute had paid her another unwanted visit. She could still feel his cold rough hands moving along her inner thighs and the force of his fingers barreling inside her. She wanted to vomit as she thought of him, the monster that had systematically murdered everyone she'd ever loved after coming to her family estate in the middle of the night.

Olivia had barely been able to register the faint sound of footsteps despite them being extremely heavy and frequent as they continued to get closer and closer to the hatch where she'd known the brute had often disappeared from. A feeling of dread filled her as she realized that he was back and that he'd been all too eager to see about her in the wake of his unscheduled absence. 

Unable to help her quivering and the fear that coursed through her, Olivia attempted to scramble away even as the hatch lifted and the monstrous brute emerged with yet another vile syringe clutched within his rough hand. She noted that the liquid had a sort of green tinge to it as she attempted to keep herself as far away from him and the needlepoint as possible. He merely stood watching as if fascinated by her fear and attempts at an impossible escape. The rusted iron fetters and chains that dug into the smooth flesh of her already bruised and limp wrists had been much heavier than Olivia remembered them being and she'd still been naked and groggy from the last encounter. 

Before she could do any unnecessary harm to herself with her vain attempts the monstrous brute had crossed toward her and swiftly pinned her against the cold stone wall causing her to hit her back against it as well as her head. His smirk as her eyes rolled into the back of her head and he pressed his suit-clad larger frame between her bare naked thighs, made her all the more terrified and she felt only helplessness as he jabbed the vile syringe into her veins once more making sure she knew how truly powerless this whole ordeal had left her.

Much to her shock, he didn't drop her right away, as he stood pinning her against the wall her legs spread wide to accommodate his body being between them. His nostrils flared as the accidental involuntary arousal took hold and Olivia found herself given to red cheeks as she realized what being so close to the monster had done while she'd been completely naked and at his mercy.

He had the giddy look of a predator when fresh prey had been cited and she felt herself grow tense as she noted the stirring of what appeared to have been his massive cock, now bulging beyond belief from the front of his suit trousers. He had been abnormal, the outline and thickness not at all what Olivia had seen in science videos or health class, not even what she glimpsed from the boys while moving her way through the halls at her former school.

She had remained unceremoniously pinned against the cold stone wall with her breasts pressed against the hard barrel chest of the monster that'd her captive and brutally murdered her family before bringing her to this awful place. She could hear him struggling as he growled low and deep near her ear, his nostrils flaring as he leaned his face toward her ear. She could feel him press his hard bulge into her sodden middle, hard once or twice before he seemed to compose himself and backed off dropping her onto the cold hard ground as he glared at her in disgust.

As she looked up she could see the outline of his abnormally large cock and did her best to pretend that she didn't fail miserably as the fear of it was instantly read when it spread across her face.

He said nothing as he stood watching her as if he'd been waiting for something, she'd caught on to what when she felt her world spin and her body once more go numb. The deep dark chuckle filled her ears as even the sounds from his wicked laughter faded into nothingness along with her line of vision.

Once she'd been out, he had reached down and carried the limp young heiress up the stairs from the hatch and into the main portion of the safe house. He had not been a fan of being so close to her, even if she hadn't reeked for three days due to a lack of a bath.

Silently the lone man carried the passed-out lass up toward the bathroom where he'd previously taken the time to draw a bath for her. She'd been none the wiser as he slipped her into the waiting warm water and proceeded to allow her to soak a bit ensuring to keep her head above water. Slowly and carefully with expert care and precision, he managed to wash the involuntarily slumbering lass as while she'd been none the wiser.

Once he'd finished ensuring that she'd been clean, he carried her from the tub and further into the main part of the safe house where a hidden room had been stashed, it was a far better place for her to awaken than the cellar and so far she had not put up much of a fuss. He had in no way been compassionate sort simply following orders that his boss had dictated until their next list had come to him.

Until then, he was stuck playing caretaker for the lovely heiress and ensuring that everything had gone according to his boss's plans, and if not, he'd be enlisted to do what he did best and ensure payment had been collected be it by blood from her lovely neck or money from the pockets of the traitorous members of her lot that wanted her dead and gone.

Either way, he'd been more than pleased to carry out his boss's orders, killing or no killing. 

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