DAY 1:How is it?

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We all were woke up by the bell at sharp 5 am. Within half an hour we needed to get ready and be present in the Dhamma hall for meditation. So, I brushed my teeth and washed my face combed my hair, took my bottle and headed off. It was 5:10 am. I strolled in the garden for a while and when I heard the sound of little bell we went in. After that we sat there till 6:30 am meditating and practicing Anapana. After that we went to breakfast which was nice. Then we had time for bath. After getting ready we were again alarmed by the bell for the first group sitting which was of 45 min. During group sittings one must not leave the hall. So we sat there practicing Anapana and guruji said to see whether it comes from right or left nostril it can even come from both the nostrils. You also have to observe whether your breaths are short or long. So we kept on observing it. There were difficulties such your legs begin to hurt, your mind begins to wander etc. but we must me aware of the current moment. After first group sitting we did meditation with our assistant teacher who helped us. She asked us questions whether you are able to observe and if you are facing any difficulty with the technique etc. Then we meditated with her and then went back to our seats and meditated. After that we had refreshment break. After having refreshments we went to the Dhamma hall for guruji's morning discourse. Discourses are for theory purpose and you will be doing the practical part throughout the day. After guruji's discourse we had lunch break at 11:50 pm. After lunch we had rest time till 1:45 pm. After rest we had 1 hour meditation keeping in mind what to observe. Even though I was an old student I felt that I was learning for the first time. But I wanted my meditation to be more strong than before. I wanted to improve it more. So, keeping this in mind I went through the whole day. I also felt asleep midway but keeping my goal in mind I again started. Then we had second group sitting which was of 45 min. After this sitting there was again meditation with assistant teacher for those who were not able to do in the morning. During this time, I tried to improve myself taking 5 min break in between. After that we had tea break followed by walking with noble silence. You had to walk slowly while focusing on your breath. Then we had our Third group sitting which was of 45 min. I tried to improve it more and more. Then we had our dinner at 6:50 pm and then we went to the hall for evening discourse. These discourses helped us to understand what we did today and what was our goal after this. After the discourse we had a break for 5 min and then meditation for half an hour. So it was 9 pm. Mam told us that if anyone has any questions they can wait and others can leave. So we retired to our rooms for next day and prepared ourselves for the next day. I'm attaching the link for evening discourse down below. Make sure you go through it. This way you'll understand it better.

Author's note: I hope you liked this part and you understood it better. From next chapter onwards I'm not going to mention the timetable but I'll mention the goal, the difficulties, the technique with the help of discourse video links and what I felt. I want to also tell you that every individual has a different experience so not necessary that whatever I experience you'll also experience the same thing. So, just practice and be happy! Bye:)

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