Prologue: Welcome to a Villains' World, Act 3

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Story Guide:
"Hello" - Talking
'Hello' - Thinking, might mix with Memory dialogue
"Hello" - Memory dialogue
"Hello" - Whispering
▶: "Hello" - Author speaking
[Name]: "Hello" - Character speaking

-Ramshackle, Hallway-

Morning arises as Sebastian begins to prepare for the day, just like life in London. He gets himself ready, gets the bath running, preps for breakfast, sets the table, and prepares for their visit to the town.

"Hee hee hee... Someone's up and early!", ghost A remarks as the three ghosts from yesterday appear surrounding the butler "Good morning to you three, breakfast is almost ready. If you can set them by the table and put Grim on one of the seats, that will be greatly appreciated", Sebastian greeted and instructed them as he starts to head to Ciel's room.

The three ghosts complied as they headed to the kitchen while Sebastian heaved a sigh of relief, it was a little different since he was accustomed to having the servants help around. He can't fathom why, but he kind of misses the chaos that would greet him in the morning.

Mey-rin's clumsy take on the tableware while scurrying the hallways, Finnian's mistake in overwatering the garden plants, Baldroy's explosive methods in the kitchen, and Tanaka's simple behavior. He tries to shake away these moments of nostalgia as he only sees them as mere fragments of his vulnerability, they were nothing more than pawns in his young master's game. He has convinced himself of that truth for a long time now...

-Ramshackle, Ciel's Room-

He enters Ciel's room and opens the curtains to wake him up "Good morning my lord, the bath is ready", Sebastian greets as he informs Ciel, this routine is a little more convenient than their previous one since Ciel can wash and dress now.

Groaning under the sheets when the natural light brightens the room, the young demon groggily sat up and stretches himself. He lets a few seconds pass before getting out of bed and heads toward the bathroom, meanwhile, Sebastian swiftly fixes Ciel's bed and places his clothes on the edge of the bed then returns to finish breakfast.


Arriving at the dining room, the three ghosts greet Ciel and he returns the gesture as well "So I hear you're the other person that will be living here from now on?", ghost A questioned as Ciel dined on his breakfast, the boy nods in response as Sebastian stood beside him with the food trolley.

Their peaceful morning was interrupted by an obnoxious voice "Good morning Mr. Phantomhive and Mr. Michaelis. Did you sleep well?", Crowley asked the two with a light-hearted tone as he barged inside the building "Not at all! This stupid cage is cold and hard to sleep in! And worse yet, I got woken up by ghosts!", Grim complains as he stuffs his mouth with food. Sebastian and Ciel held a smirk from the cat's misery, if this becomes a daily alarm clock for the feline, they can turn a blind eye to the ghosts' shenanigans.

"We slept just fine headmage", Ciel replies but he knows that sleep is unnecessary and more of a relaxing activity for demons, he and Sebastian gladly took the opportunity while trying to act like normal humans "We will be heading to the town, and exploring some job options that look interesting", Sebastian informs as Ciel finishes his breakfast and the butler places the dirty dishes on the food trolley, the three ghosts took initiative to take the trolley back to the kitchen, to which the butler appreciates.

"Ah, of course, enjoy your time. However, what will be the case for that little beast? Will he be joining you?", Crowley responded then asked the boy "Hmph, I ain't going with them! I'm here to study magic so I can be blasting off spells left and right! Like BAM! POW! FWOOM!", Grim exclaims as he shakes the bars of the cage.

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