Prologue: Welcome to a Villains' World, Act 1

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Story Guide:
"Hello" - Talking
'Hello' - Thinking, might mix with Memory dialogue
"Hello" - Memory dialogue
"Hello" - Whispering
▶: "Hello" - Author speaking
[Name]: "Hello" - Character speaking

Ah, my dear esteemed benefactor...
My proud, beautiful flower of evil.
You are truly the fairest one of all.
O magic mirror, thy wisdom I entreat...
Reveal unto me the visage I seek...
You, whose image the Dark Mirror did beckon forth...
If your heart bids it, take the hand of the one reflected in the mirror.

As flame reduces even the stars to ash
As ice seals away even time itself
As great trees swallow even the sky
Fear not the power of darkness.
Now, demonstrate your power.

To me. To them. To yourself.
The hour grows long, and time is scarce.
Keep steady your grip, no matter what may come...

Once the ebony carriage arrived at their destination, the two coffins that holds the two men were placed inside the Mirror Chamber for the Entrance Ceremony. A few hours passed, and Ciel peacefully waited inside, later hearing a static noise buzzing in his ears...

▶: "...hive?"

▶: "...Mr. ...tomhi...?"

▶: "...Mr. Phantomhive?"

Ciel: "What...?"

▶: "Can you hear me clearly Mr. Phantomhive?

Ciel: "Yes"

Looking around to where it was coming from, he fails to find the source as he only sees darkness.

▶: "Apologies for the late notice, you are currently inside a Gate, simply the coffin you are residing in. Someone will open yours once it's your turn, don't worry about Sebastian, his is just right beside yours."

Ciel recognized the voice after hearing it again with more clarity.

Ciel: "Oh, you again..."

▶: ">:v Damn, someone woke up with an attitude. Guess I'll talk to you later when you get your morning tea"

Ciel: "Good, it will get quite annoying if you just speak in my head without warning. And for the record, I have my own methods to self-learn the basics of this world."

▶: "Y'know I sometimes forget that you're quite the little sh-t"

Ciel was about to talk back when he heard a click on the coffin lid. Once the light reached him, a masked man with glowing gold irises welcomed him "Welcome to Night Raven College! Please step out of the gate and join your fellow freshmen, then one by one, you will state your name so you can be assigned by the Dark Mirror to your dorm", the masked man greets and instructed Ciel with a pleasant mood, he directs the boy's attention to the rows of seats where the freshmen sat.

However, his mood didn't match the headmage's 'I can already tell he'll be a pain in the arse', he thinks as he lies inside the coffin for a few more seconds before stepping out "Hmph, I was getting comfortable in there", Ciel mutters in slight annoyance, the headmage heard it and sweat-dropped a little from his behavior. Deciding to keep things on track, he moved on to open the last gate for the last freshman.

As Ciel was walking towards the seats, he felt the many eyes of the people in the room and noticed their clothing. 'Is this a school or a cult? Also what in the blazes am I wearing? Since when did I get changed and who's the scoundrel that did?', Ciel wonders as he looks around the audience and takes a glance at the new clothing that he wore with a scowl.

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