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Julie approached the studio, the place she was hesitant to go, nervous about her bandmates, had they finally crossed over? were they finally dead? did they go join Caleb and the Hollywood ghost club? questions raced over her.

as she opened the doors to the garage, she was met with a cold breeze, the lights had been turned off, the instruments. 

as she looked around, her heart began to crumble, her eyes filled with sorrow. she looked up toward the celling, or was it the loft? with a sigh, a small smile pursed her lips

"i..." she was hesitant "i know i already said this but, thank you-"

not even a moment later "Your welcome-" a voice replied, followed by another, who groaned, then a third "dude!-"

Julie blinked, confused by the state before going over and turning on the lights, she turned back, looked at the 3 ghosts sprawled out in the back.

the ghosts coughed or groaned a few times before Julie had said something.

"Why-why are you here?...i...i thought-"

she hadn't finished her sentence before the boys were hit from another jolt, causing immense pain.

her heart broke worse "!" her gaze shifted over to Luke "I thought you crossed over...! why didn't you cross over?!"

the 3 began to sit up.

Alex held his stomach "I- I guess playing the Orpheum wasn't our unfinished business-" he groaned.

"Point Caleb-!" Reggie muttered, resting himself against the couch.

Julie quickly turned to Luke. 

"We- we wanted you to think we crossed over, so we pretended to." tears becoming visible "we just...we had nowhere else to go." his voice hitched.

"We thought you'd go straight to bed-" Reggie added. 

Alex began to stand, by now holding his wrist "yeah well, i knew she was going to come out here, but no one ever listens to me" he rolled his eyes, as soon as he did, once again all three males were hit with another jolt.

Julie instantly walked over to them "You have to save yourselves right now-! go join Caleb's club! please! it's better than not existing at all!" 

she walked back over, closer to the door. "Please just go. Go! poof out! do something. please. do it for me!" she turned, stopping in her tracks to face them "Please-!"

"we're not going back there-" Reggie mumbled.

"No music is worth making Julie if we're not making it with you-" Luke walked over to her, standing Infront of her. "No regrets-"

instinctively she hugged him. "I love you guys" she choked out, Reggie looked at her with sorrow filled eyes.

Julie took a moment to realize something. she was hugging Luke, hugging Luke! she backed up nervously "how- how can i feel you?"

"I...I...I don't know-" Luke looked at, just as confused "i feel stronger."

"Alex. Reggie. come" she said to the other males, as they approached her

they all ingulfed each other in a large group hug. staying there for a few moments

Reggie blinked "whoa...I...I don't feel as weak anymore."

"Yeah, me neither." Alex added "not that, y'know, I was ever that weak", they chuckled, before they looked to their wrists, all three of the Hollywood ghost club stamps were vanishing.

"What do you think that means?"

"I think the bands back" Luke chuckled. 

"you guys think we could try that hug thing one more time?" Alex asked.

"yeah" Reggie smiled.


So that's pretty much the resolution on the first season, I don't like how small the chapter is but hey, there's more to come, hope you guys enjoy this series as much as I do!

- Kenn

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