His posession

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Ananya was sleeping soundly but a beauty sleep was irritated by continuios phone call.She sighed in annoyense and pick up the call.Still eyes closed.

A : Hello(yawn).

D : Hi baby,Still asleep?

A :Who are you ,My mom is in kitchen ,Brother is at office and dad is working in laptop.You can call them now not me .(Yawns)

D : (chuckles)Baby I call you for to hear your voice.

A : (whines)Hmmm I need to sleep.Call them

D : Baby it's 7am now.

A : It's only 7 let me slepp.Therefore today is sunday.

D : Hmm ok I will let my baby sleep.But now tell me honey.What do you want.

A :(Whines)Ahh why can't you let me sleep.Ok so hear I want my room to fill with red roses and dark chocolates.And no exams for 1 month.

D : (chuckles) Is that enought baby.

A : I know you can't do anything so let me sleep.

With that she cut the call.But before it she heard something like crazy baby and his chuckles.But she didn't mind it and again went to her peaceful beauty sleep.

She woke up at morning 10.00am by her own.With closed eyes she left for bathroom and do her morning routines.After that she came back to her room.But gasped loudly and tears welled up in her eyes.Her room was full of chocolates and her walls are covered with red roses and it written 'For my sweet love'.She cried loudly.

Abuprantly hearing her screams her family gathered here and all gasped at the sight."A-appa someone en-tered in my r-room."Sobbed ananya.Her brother enclosed her in his arms and said "Dad call inspector Basith."The dad nodded and call police.While mom and brother is busy in conselling Anu.

"Do you saw anyone entering your room."Asked inspector."N-no when I wake up my room is filled with it all."She said.She then remembered about the phone call with the stranger.She didn't first remember it cause she was in half sleep.But now she remember it."Mm sir when the time was about 7.I got a unknown call of a male.He speaks like I'm his lover.And ask me what I want.So I just said chocolates and roses.I said it casually.B-but."She again broke down into tears while her brother console her."So I am sure.The intruder must be the caller.I will track his location and we will soon nag him.Don't worry be strong Miss ananya."She nodded with some tears in her eyes.

The time is now  9:30.Ananya is studying in her room.Her family went to sleep early.Suddenly her phone buzzed with a notification.It was from a unknown number.She saw the message and read it.
"Hey princess"
She ignored the message thinking it must be some wrong number.But it buzzed again.
"Baby you look cute in that night dress"
She was shocked and look around.But saw no one.Again her phpne buzzed.
"Don't look around baby.You can't find me.But remember you are mine.Only mine.I'm always watching you."
She shivered at the last part.But decided to ignore it.But she closed the windows and check it twice.She then fell into her beauty sleep.

At the time midnight 1:45am.The windows of her room open and entered the devil himself.He slowly take prediatary steps towards her then took out a white handkercheif and rub on her nose.After making sure she is unconcious.He stare at her beautiful feautures her small button nose,plum lips,chubby cheeks,almond eyes, and small cute but seducing body.He smiled thinking about their future.

Dinu pov
I stare at her beautiful feautures.Suddenly a urge to kiss her plum lips come to my mind.Her lips look so soft.But I need to kiss her when she is awake.
I gulped my saliva looking at her.I slowly kiss her chubby cheeks.Oh god it feels like muffin.
I layed beside her and caressed her hair.

After sometime I decided to leave cause now time is 5:05.I gave a last peck on her forehead and leave her room.Not beforeleaving a proof of me coming.

Ananya pov
I woke up with a heavy headtake.It feels so much pain.But one thing after so many days I slept peacefully.I woke up and does my morning routine.I came out of my room wiping my face with a towel.But my towel dropped when I saw something written on the wall.
It was written "Hi baby,I love you soo much.And I need to tell you that lock the window tightly next time.I don't want anyone to see my beauty.And remember YOU ARE ONLY MINE."Tears started to form in my eyes I screamed loudly and sat down there crying.Cause some psycho came in my room yesterday.
My mom and brother came and console me.My dad again call police.He came and check the whole room but he can't find any evidence execpt the wall.
And I was soo scared cause a psychopath has fall for ME.

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