The psycho's meeting

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Anu was watching the tv sleep was about to consume her but suddenly she felt a presence and voice behind her.


Anu's pov
When I feel someone behind me my breath hitched because of fear.No one is here to save me now.Nobody's at home.My tears already started to flow out from my eyes.That voice it was fimiliar to me.And that's what making me scared.
I clearly remember locking the doors.But shit windows,I forgot to lock the windows.

I slowly look back and it is none other than the most worst devil.
'Dinu Shanker'.
He looks like a psycho,a complete psycho.
Suddenly he backhugged me and started to sniff me, making me flinch so badly.
I started crying loudly like a baby.

"Eeeeee pl-please leave me.Momma,Pappa.
Ahhheeeeeeeeee, I need to go to my mamma"

I started crying loudly.
But he just chuckled at me.Did you know he just Chuckled at me.
How can he?
Am I funny to him?

"Oh my dear princess you are soo adorable.And this adorable is only for me only me."
He said to me but for a second I saw a dark glint in his eyes.
I tried to push him.But I can't he is much stronger than me.

"Don't try to push me love you can't do it.Don't waste your energy we need to save it for our wedding night."
He said to me shamelessly.
Ewwww Pervert.

Suddenly he started to kiss my neck.His face looks scary right now.He is kissing me with his eyes closed like he is feeling me.

I started to cry and tried to push him.
I finally Succeed in pushing him away.

"Don't come near me.Leave me please ,Get out from here."
I said while crying continusely.

He started to come near me while saying.
"Princess what are you saying I'm your husband baby.Come ,come in my arms."
He said to me looking like an innocent.Like really his arms is wide open like I'm going to hug him.

I fastly using my full speed run to my room.But before locking it he come inside.At side I saw my phone.I take it in my hands and go through dail and call the 1st number thinking it was my dad while he chuckled and click a picture of me in his phone.He is really crazy.

The call connected.
"Hello,dad that man is here in our house.Come on help me.Come home fastly"
I said hoping it to be my dad.But to my shock the person I called is.
"What happened my love.Who the fucker is in your house just wait my love I'm on my way his end is in my hands."

  And you know who he is.
Before I can reply him the phone was snatched by dinu.
"Baby,who is on the phone.
Who the fuck is it.
How did he got your number
He is a man.
How dare he attend your call and hear your voice.
I will kill him bloody moron"

He said to me more like saying to himself continusely.While I was in complete delusion.
I just call a psycho to get rid of a psychopath.
So proud of you ananya.
What will I do now.That abai said he is coming and this dinu is also here.I think a volcano will burst today.
While I was thinking all this I didn't notice dinu has pull me onto his lap.I tried to push him away but he didn't budge.

I was crying heavily but I becone panick when my room's window get break and here comes the devil Abai with 2 guns in his hands.While dinu hide me behind his back like protecting me.Seriously I really need protection from him.
And just as I excepted the volcano's blast.

"Who the fuck are you bloody moron,leave my girl.I'm gonna end you now"
Said abai showing his 2 guns at him.His eyes were bloodshot and teary.I don't know why his eyes are teary.

"First tell me who are you, who gave you the guts to enter my wife's room without my permission"
Said dinu taking his gun from behind.Seriously I don't even like him.But he just declared me as his wife

"Your wife,seriously she is mine,she belongs to me.She is my life.Give her to me before I shoot you."
Abai said like mad person.

"Baby who the fuck is he,I'm gonna kill him."
Asked dinu looking at me angrily but his eyes softened looking at me.

"Love who is this fuck,I will kill him now."
Abai asked as same as dinu.

I was getting enough of their fighting it's really irritating and it's making me feel like to cry.Just think of it 2 person's fighting over you.I screamed.


"But baby/love-"
They tried to talk but I interrupt them.Right now I was not feeling scared of them.I was feeling anger and irritation.

"Shut up"
I said to make them stop talking.

After sometime they become normal.I slowly started to Introduce both of them.Like can you beleive I introduce eachother as my obsessive stalker and lover.After sometime I finished and the second I finished talking they both took out their gun.
I screamed at them.

"Don't fight in this house"

They both look at me lovingly and nodded their head and ran out from my house.Seriously 2 biggest mafia ran out from my house.I look out the window and saw they are looking at eachother like they will kill eachother.Both eyes are dark and is pointing gun at eachother.

I become scared seeing this.Suddenly dinu look towards my window he saw me and gave me a flying kiss.I scrunch my nose in disguist.Dinu said something to abai and he nodded they sat on their cars and drove to somewhere.
But not before giving me flying kisses and goodbyes.

I just hope they will leave me soon.With that thought I went to sleep cause is already midnight.

Poor anu she don't know her life's upcoming twist and turns.

.Hey guys I hope you're happy.Sorry for late updates.
Guys I am not getting ideas for upcoming chapter.So please help me with it.Just comment your ideas.
Bye see you soon.

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