Birthday terrifying surprise

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"Yes angel"
While all are watching them confusinly except Mr.Shankar.

To the story
Amitha panicked seeing anu's state.She is a whole crying mess now.She looks like she is afraid.Afraid of him.
She slowly took the box and see inside.And she just stood shock in there.

All are watching them and ofcourse dinu is watching anu.
Ami slowly pass the box to Mrs.Murthy she just gasped seeing it.

There is a red rose and chocolates which was kept in Anu's room.And and the finger of Anubama.Anu clearly identify her finger cause she always wear a ring which she used to tell her mother gave her before she passing away.

The only thing come in her mind is 'What will he do to me and my family.'Her tears filled her eyes just by thinking about it.

Suddenly Mrs.Murthy speak making all of their attention to her."W-who are you.What do you want.Please leave my daughter alone."She said with hatred in her voice."Oh my mother-in-law please calm down about your questions I don't want anything but only anu.Marry Anu to me.I will keep her the happiest person alive in the earth.I will give all my love.Please."
At last his voice sounded like pleading.Anu stood there shocked.She just only meet the person once or twice but he is asking their hand for marriage.
"Never I will marry my daughter to a monster like you."Mr Murthy said furiously."Who are you beta and why are you saying nonsense."Mrs.Murthy asked being confused."Oh moth-"
Mr.Murthy cut him off by saying.
"He is the psycho mafia Dinu Shanker."
Mrs.Murthy palmed her mouth in shock.Anu's friends are all in shock.Anu just fall on the floor crying.Cause she knows how much dangerous is mafia's.

"Oh my angel why are you crying come here."Dinu said psychoticly coming closer opening his arms for her like she is going to run in his arms.While cried loudly.

Mr.Murthy came infront of him.Which is not liked by him."Mr.Dinu my daughter is not going to marry you.Just go out of our house."He said firmly.Dinu gritted his teeth.He can't even think his life without her now.But this old man is saying she will not marry him.

"Father-in-law move away when I say nicely.Baby tell your papa to move away."He said sweetly to her.She shook her head like a baby.He cooed at her cuteness.She just look like a baby with cute red nose,puffy eyes and trembling lips.Which he wanted to suck the life of it.He lick his lips.

All of a sudden Dinu pulled out his shiny gun.Which terrors everyone.He points his gun to Mr.Murthy and said."Father-in-law move away or else."He said and was about to pull the trigger but anu's voice stopped him."Papa please move away.Please don't hurt my papa."Anu said while crying."No beta never in my lif-"
His words cut off by Dinu's dragging.

He is enough of this father's drama he dragged him and throw him in guest room.And pushed anu's mom and her friends and locked the door from outside.While all are screaming.
"You bastard leave my daughter alone.Anu don't worry papa will come now."
Dinu just signed in irritation but his face glowed up when he saw anu.
Now they are alone no one is here to disturb them.
Anu was crying mess."P-please l-leave my family and friends."She said while hiccuping cutely.
"Angel don't worry I will not do anything to them or you.I just want a little talk with my baby."
He said sweetly.Anu just sobbed in fear.

"Angel come here kiss me here."
He said showing his lips while coming closer while she back away in fear.
"N-no leave m-me please."
He just closed his eyes tightly in anger he can't even think of her leaving him.

Without any warning he come closer to her and did something
which shock her fully.

The only think come in her mind is.He just KISSED HER AND. . . . . . . . . . . .

Hey guys hope you are good.I know it's a late update cause I can't think of new part.I am not getting any idea.So please comment some ideas for me.

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