Psycho stalker

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It's a beautiful sunny day where anu is getting ready for her collage while her friends are already waiting for her in Abi's bf car.
They then drove off to collage.
Due to teachers meeting teachers are busy.Anu all the time felt a stare on her but there is no one.She just strugged it off.

It's lunch time where anu's gang are eating their lunch peacefully.
Anu is the most beautiful girl on collage.That's what others say to her.But for once never she showed any disrespect to others.She doesn't even know how many boys have crush on her.Maybe girls too.
Out of nowhere anubama came nervously Adi signed in irritation.
"A-anu after collage can you come to meet me in auditorium alone.I want to say something to you."Anubama asked nervously."No" Ami snapped back at her quickly."I am not asking you.Anu can you come there pleaseee."
"Ok I will come."Anu reply her.
Ami is going to defend her but anu sighed not to.So she stayed silent.

Time skip
After school
Anu went to where anubaga asked her to come.Her friends told her not to.But she went there.

The auditorium is empty.She look back and saw anubama strodding towards her.She smiled softly at her.
Anubama came near her and suddenly said."Anu I love you so much.The moment I saw you I fall for you.I know this is wrong we both are girls.But I can't control my feelings.Please be my Girlfriend."She said in one go.
While anu stood there shocked.She doesn't accept this.
She know that this was not anubama's problem but her hormones.But she isn't into this types of relationships.
"Anubama I can understand your feelings.But I don't have any feelings for you."Anu said hopping that she will understand."Anu no no I love you.Please don't reject me."Anubama pleaded."Anubama please try to understand I don't love you.We can be friends."Anu said politly.And tried to leave from there.But anubama gripped her hands and pull her with force.And by the force she fell down and her forehead got injured."Ahhh"Anu cried in pain."A-anu I'm sorry.I-I didn't do it purposely.Please forgive me."Anubama said while panicking.Anu just look at her and ran from there while she cried cause she hurt her.
But suddenly everything went black to anubama.

Meanwhile anu tell her friends about it.They come to see anubama.But she is nowhere to to found.

"Anu don't worry about her and tommorrow is your birthday so don't worry."Ami said to cheer her up."Yes anu she is a bitch so don't worry."Adi said with hatred leaced in her voice.Anu just nodded and went to sleep not knowing her whole life is going to change tommorrow.
And unknown to her a figure is watching her sleeping peacefully with love and adoration in his eyes.It is no one other than Dinu.
"You are mine angel.No one can separate us.Not even YOU."He whispered before going back to somewhere with smirk on his lips.

Hi guys hope you like it.I can't able to upload the stories cause of my upcoming exams.But I am sure I will upload as much fast I can.
And please check out my new Story."7 souls in 1 body".

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