Chapter 16

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After my gym battle, we opted for relaxing in the city, since the showcase was in a couple days and I didn't feel like we needed to practice anymore. Not only that, but I felt like my pokemon deserved a rest after the hard work they had put into battling, and the hard work Eevee and Vivillon had put into practicing for the showcase.

However, those couple days went by quicker than we would have liked, and before we knew it, it was the day of the showcase.

There were more performers than there were back in Cyllage city, which only made me that little bit more nervous. I briefly looked at Lotus, who gave me and encouraging smile before walking off in the direction of where the audience would sit, leaving me alone with my pokemon.

Once I was in the dressing room, I quickly went into one of the bathrooms and changed into my showcase dress, tying my hair up in two high twintails after I had done so. For a final touch, I added some blue ribbon that I had brought here in Courmarine city as a final touch.

When I called Eevee and Vivillon out of their poke-balls, Eevee seemed to get a lot more nervous when she saw how many performers there were with us.

Crouching down, I took her in my arms. Vivillon landed on my shoulder as I said to Eevee, "Don't worry, we've practiced loads! I know you'll be great!"

Eevee looked at me for a moment, before nodding it's head and having a determined look in its eye.

Shortly after, we were called on stage for the first round of the showcase, which was flower arrangement with our pokemon. We could use any flowers we wanted and had to create a beautiful display with our pokemon.

As soon as we got the signal to start, Vivillon was very quick to pick up a few red roses for me to use. I immediately smiled at this since roses were a personal favourite flower mine. I thanked her and proceeded to use them in the arrangement.

I quickly looked down at Eevee, who still seemed nervous, and gave her an encouraging nod. That seemed like it was just what she needed, since she immediately ran and took a few blue roses for me to use, wagging her tail happily as I took them from her mouth and added them.

That caused the crowd the cheer, and the announcer made a comment about the friendship between me and my pokemon, which immediately increased my confidence. I quickly picked out a few white lilies, cutting the stems at different lengths so there was some variety in the arrangements.

Once I had added a few more red and blue roses, cutting the stems at varying lengths like I had done the lilies, with the help of my pokemon. At some point, Eevee and Vivillon had both put a blue rose into my hair, which made the crowd cheer as well.

Taking a step back to admire what we had done; I couldn't help but think that the colours of the flowers reminded me of a Milotic. As soon as the thought crossed my mind, I thought of a certain someone who was known for performing and battling with his Milotic, causing a slight heat to rise to my cheeks.

The timer went off, letting us know time was up.

The announcer told the crowd to light their glow casters to the colour of the performers flower arrangement they liked most, and which performer showed the friendship with their pokemon the best.

I closed my eyes, hoping for the best, but part of me was dreading that we weren't going to move onto the next round.

"And the winner is... Yui!" The announcer shouts, making my eyes snap open and a smile to appear on my face.

"We did it!" I say happily, hugging both Eevee and Vivillon, before making my way backstage.

As soon as I did however, the other performers seemed to stop talking loudly to each other and started whispering to each other. I tried not to listen as I watched the other performers, but I couldn't help but overhear some of the things they were saying.

"How did she win when hers was so simple?"

"One of the other performers deserved to win not her."

Clenching my fists, I tried not to let what they were saying get to me. I knew mine was simple, but what mattered was that me and my pokemon had fun making it, and I showed the friendship I had with my pokemon.

Eevee, who was originally laying on my lap, jumped up and licked my cheek, looking at me with sympathetic eyes after it done so.

"I'm fine, don't worry." I whispered to her, giving a small smile as I did so.

After watching the rest of the performers perform in the first round, it was finally time for the freestyle round.

I couldn't tell whether it was a good or bad thing that was last to perform, since I was getting increasingly nervous. I wanted to win, but I knew that it didn't matter at this stage if I did or not, and all that mattered was I had fun with my pokemon.

Finally, it was my turn to perform.

"We can do this. I know we can." I said to my pokemon before we went on stage, and they both replied happily.

As soon as we walked on stage, the crowd started cheering immediately, making me smile, but I could see Eevee was still a little nervous.

"We can do this Eevee, don't worry!" I say encouragingly, and Eevee nods.

"Eevee, use swift! Vivillon, Psybeam!" I say to my pokemon as soon as we're given the signal to start.

They did exactly what I had asked them to do, the swift and psybeam colliding, making rainbow stars, sparkling like a shiny gem.

After that, Vivillon managed to land on my back and pick me up, while Eevee happily ran into my arms, and we went up into the sky.

"Eevee use swift! Vivillon, use gust!" I say, and Eevee leaps from my arms, using swift while spinning, and Vivillon uses gust, allowing the stars to get caught in the wind.

"Use psybeam Vivillon!"

Vivillon carries out the command immediately, making a rainbow vortex just like we had practiced, and Vivillon puts me down on the ground, before catching Eevee on it's back and bringing it down with me. As we did, the shimmering wind dissipated, making small rainbow stars fall, creating rainbow sparkles as they hit the floor.

After that, I danced with my pokemon like we had practice, throwing in an extra move in, with Eevee jumping up and using swift, while Vivillon used struggle bug to break apart the stars, making small sparkles fall.

When we were finished, the audience erupted in cheers, making me happy, and I could tell it made my pokemon happy as well. I looked over at Eevee, who seemed nervous at first, but her eyes were sparkling in amazement.

After all the performers had performed, the announcer once again asked the crowd to light their glow casters to the colour of the performers who's performance they liked best.

I watched, in happiness and amazement, as majority of the light were turned to my colour, and the announcer had announced that I had won.

After I was given my second princess key, both Eevee and Vivillon came to me and hugged me their own way.

Two down, one more to go. 

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