Chapter 39

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The crowd erupted in cheers, and I let more tears fall as I hugged my pokemon.

All the hard work we had put in had paid off, and I now had another part of my dream come true. As I let go of my pokemon, I briefly turned away from the crowd as I wiped away my tears. Once I had, I faced the crowd again, and the announcer and his Klefki came over to me.

"Congratulations Yui!" He says, and shortly after, his Klefki places the tiara on my head, as the crowd once again erupts in cheers. I couldn't help the smile on my face as I wave to the crowd, and Aria also comes over and congratulates me.

Both of us make our way of stage, and I pull Aria to the side, asking her the same thing I asked Diantha; if she could also keep the title of Kalos queen when I eventually moved out of the region, and still continue to perform as Kalos queen for performers that wanted to challenge her.

She smiled and agreed, and asked what else I wanted to. I told her about wanting to also be a pokemon coordinator in the Hoenn region, and she gave me a brief hug and wished me luck for performing in Hoenn as well.

I smiled and thanked her, and we both parted ways.

As soon as I got outside, Lotus immediately engulfed me in a hug and said how proud she was of me. However, the hug got interrupted as news reporters came over to me and starting asking questions, such as my thoughts and feelings, as well as how it feels to have the title of both champion and Kalos queen.

I answered the questions as best as I could, and once they left, I released a breath I didn't realise I was holding.

As we walked in the town the master class was in, numerous people came up to me and said how much they loved my performance, and some asked for an autograph or picture, or both.

A few asked for another performance, but I politely declined and said my pokemon need a rest. They were a little disappointed, but understood nonetheless.

Eventually, me and Lotus managed to find a flower field outside of the town we could sit and relax at. Different coloured flowers adorned the ground, stretching as far as the eye could see, as the occasional pokemon went by.

After relaxing for a little while, we both decided to head back to my home town, as I'm sure my parents would want to see me, and would be happy to see Lotus as well.

After a few days, we arrived back at my house, and as soon as the door opened my mum immediately hugged me, and said how proud she was of me, especially since I was now both Kalos champion and Kalos queen.

My father also hugged me and said the same thing, and how I had grown up so fast.

I couldn't help but smile at this, and as soon as they both saw Lotus, they also gave her a hug as well, saying it's been so long since they've seen her and how much she's grown.

A couple years passed, with me and Lotus mostly staying at my house, and if I needed to go somewhere for a challenger while I was still in the region, then Altaria would always manage to fly me there.

I had quite a few challengers battle me as champion, but unfortunately, they could never quite defeat me. I always felt bad seeing their face fall when they had lost, especially after they had put so much work in.

A few of them said some... hurtful words towards me when they lost, saying how I somehow cheated, or how the battle wasn't far and I didn't deserve to be champion. When they did, I would never retaliate, I would always praise them on how well they battled, and they're always welcome to have a re-match.

The majority of challengers though thanked for a good battle, and said how they weren't surprised that I was the champion, and how much work I must have put in for be this strong. When they did, I thanked them, but also told them how a strong bond with your pokemon is important too, and if they asked for further advice, I would always be happy to give it.

A few times, the challengers were surprised, because my last pokemon was always Braixen. They were both shocked that although Braixen wasn't fully evolved, she was still just as strong as a Delphox.

When the challenger had the type advantage over Braixen, they tended to get overconfident, but Braixen always managed to pull through, although we did have a few close calls.

It seemed like whenever I wasn't battling challengers as champion, I was competing against performers as Kalos queen. Similar to the battles, a few times we did have a close call, but we always managed to pull through in the end, and there was still a mix of performers who said some... hurtful words towards me after they had lost, and a few that didn't, and often asked for advice.

Most people would be worried about giving advice to performers, for fear that they may re-challenge and ultimately take the title, but I never worried about. I enjoyed helping the performers and helping them grow on their journeys, so my title was never much of a worry to me.

When I had free time, me and Lotus found ourselves sitting in a similar flower field to the one we sat in after I had won the master class.

"So, what do you plan to do now Lotus? Do you still want to be a ghost type gym leader?" I ask, and she goes silent for a moment for before replying.

"That was the original plan, but after seeing you battle the gyms and become champion, I'm not too sure." She says, and I look at her, a little confused.

"What do you mean?" I ask, and she turns to face me.

"Well, I want to return to Unova when you go to hoenn, and challenge the gyms there, then the elite four, then the champion, and hopefully, win." She explains, and I nod in understanding.

"Plus, how cool would it be if both childhood friends become champions of a region." She said, grinning afterwards, and I couldn't help but mimic her grin.

"So, how much longer do you plan to spend in Kalos? It's been a couple years already." Lotus asks

"I was actually planning to start preparing next week, why do you ask? You trying to get rid of me or something?" I say jokingly, and she playfully rolls her eyes.

"I was hoping to have a full six on six battle before you went, as parting battle of sorts." She suggests, and I nod.

"Sure, but I won't be going easy on you, I'm not Kalos champion for nothing." I say smirking, and she smirks as well.

"I was hoping you wouldn't anyway." She says, as we both get up and get a good distance away from each other, as we both call out our first pokemon. 

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