Chapter 71

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Chapter 71

Shameless and bored for a whole day, the next day, He Yutian needed to go to class, and Bai Rao also had to go to the company. He needed to clear out the documents he had accumulated in the past few days. The two woke up early, got dressed and ate breakfast together, and were ready to go out.

Unexpectedly, a dispute broke out in the entrance.

Because the destinations of the two are not close, and they are not on the same road, and they usually go in and out and only sit in one car, so now they only have one car as an alternative means of transportation, and one person will send the other to the destination land.

Both of them wanted to send each other off.

The two couldn't stop arguing, and Bai Rao asked, "Why did you insist on sending me off?" "

...Isn't that because you're too tired?" He Yutian faltered, obviously lying, and he turned around and said: " Why do you insist on sending me?"

Bai Rao was very frank: "I finally found a partner, so I have to go to your school to show my presence? Let those crazy bees and butterflies be restrained." Bai Rao didn't

blink Looking at He Yutian intently, He Yutian was a little embarrassed to be stared at, and scratched his head with reddish ears: "Actually... the reason for me is similar."

Bai Rao looked at him curiously, and tilted his head: "I don't attract love like you, Young Master He, and everyone likes you like a heartthrob. The employees of my company and I are innocent. Tell me, what's going on?" He Yutian

obviously Did he recall something, his expression became determined, but he still couldn't speak out shyly.

Bai Rao dragged his long voice, "Huh?", stretched out a finger, put it against the man's chin and hooked it, with a small look of "you don't have to hurry up and recruit the truth".

He Yutian grabbed Bai Rao's index finger, and said awkwardly: "Why not, you look so good...and someone gave you flowers last time."

Bai Rao frowned. This is the old Huang Li from that year. But I can't remember: "What flower?"

"You forgot?!" He Yutian began to dig up old accounts. He seemed very energetic when he brought up this topic, which shows that this matter has been simmering in his heart, which has made him unhappy for a long time. I worked diligently in the room to make the bed and do the cleaning, and then you came back, holding such a big bouquet of flowers, and you didn't pay much attention to me." "

Ah, I remembered." Bai Rao suddenly realized, he looked at it funny Looking at He Yutian, the man became aggrieved while talking, his mouth was slightly flattened pitifully, and he looked like "I won't be with you if you don't coax me". He Yutian added: "A big white bunch, you hold it in your arms and don't let go, you like it very much, and put it in a vase, ready to raise it! Or I secretly threw it away, bought a new bunch and replaced it. " Because he was on the right side, He Yutian spoke out the bad things he had done honestly and honestly, looking at him like he was looking at a scumbag with someone else. Bai Rao: "...Pfft." He Yutian had a small temper: "Rao Rao, didn't you explain it? Which little brother gave it to you?" Bai Rao kissed the man and said with a smile: "Who? Did I tell you that this flower was given by someone else?" He Yutian recalled: "I asked you at the time, was it given to you by someone else, and you said..." Bai Rao smiled slightly: "What did I say? " Yutian: "Didn't you acquiesce?" Bai Rao shrugged and said innocently, "I didn't say anything." He Yutian: "..." Bai Rao squeezed his big palm: "That is the one I want. I gave it to you, but when I came back and saw that you wanted to sleep with me on the bunk bed, I decided to punish you for not receiving the flowers." He Yutian relaxed, and bit his delicate cheek pretending to be angry: "What a bad guy." Bai Rao smiled and hid in the man's arms.

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