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"Oh, I love it and I hate it
at the same time
You and I drink the poison
from the same vine
Oh, I love it and I hate it
at the same time
Hidin' all of our sins from the daylight"

"I still can't understand how you brew that potion Harry", Hermione said, exasperated that she couldn't win the Felix Felicis and mostly because, for the first time, she failed at achieving something in a class.

"I told you, I just followed the instructions in the book." Harry answered nonchalantly.

"Well, let's see this book then." Hermione stood up and was reaching over to grab it but Harry was faster and pulled it out of her reach. Ron couldn't care less about this whole thing, he was rather interested with the crackling fire in the common room. Stupid Burke was right, he wouldn't have brewed the potion correctly even if he tried his hardest.

"Why won't you let me see it? It might be dangerous, remember Riddle's diary?", Hermione told Harry but he just wouldn't let the book go.

"It's not like Riddle's diary Hermione. It's just a potion's book. Ron, tell her we literally grabbed it from the cupboard. There's nothing special about it." But Ron just heard a faint noise in the background, he wasn't listening to their conversation.

"Helloooo? Ron! Are you with us?", Hermione waved a hand in front of his face and he finally snapped to reality, turning his face away from the fireplace and looking at his best friends' worried faces.

"What? Sorry, I wasn't listening".

"That much is obvious Ronald. Anyway, tell Harry to give me, to give us, the book so we can all see and learn how he won the Felix Felicis", Hermione.

"Oh, um sorry Hermione but I couldn't care less about that thing. But congrats on winning it Harry", Ron said. His voice was monotone and he looked like he didn't care much about anything in that moment. Indifferent. Harry and Hermione shared a look.

"Are you okay mate? Quidditch trials are tommorow! Are you ready? Excited?", Harry said trying to lift his spirits.

"Yeah, I'm fine. It's just...I don't know. Am
I really that useless at Potions? I know I'm not the brightest of us, but I'm not an idiot. Or useless. Right?"

"No! How can you say that?"

"Well, maybe a little"

Harry gave Hermione a murderous look.

"What?", she said. "There's nothing wrong with being useless at Potions Ron! It's just not your thing. It doesn't mean you're an idiot. Your thing is more Quidditch or spells like in Defense Against the Dark Arts. You got an EE in your OWLs remember?". Ron seemed to smile a little at that.

"Yeah. Ron you're our best friend. We don't like seeing you like this. You know your strengths, don't let what Burke said get to you." Harry told him.

"Maybe just control your temper a little", Hermione intervened. Harry gave her a pointed look again and she shrugged and mumbled "It's true"

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