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"Quiet when I'm comin' home and I'm on my own
And I could lie, say I like it like that, like it like that
Yeah, I could lie, say I like it like that, like it like that"

Tw!!: domestic abuse, physical and psychological :(

||1 of July, 1995||

Rose Burke dreaded the summer vacations. She dreaded that horrible fear that consumed her when she returned to King's Cross. When she had to get down from the Hogwarts Express, say goodbye to her friends and face the two stoic and cold-looking faces of her parents.

Potter had come back from the Triwizard Tournament claiming that Voldemort was back. That he had killed Cedric Diggory, that Hufflepuff boy. But that couldn't be possible, because if he had then things at home were about to become much, much worse than what they had been. She said goodbye to her friends on the platform and they all looked tense, or mostly scared.

"Your hair's turning turning purple at the tips Rosie", Draco told her. "Hey, don't worry. I'm sure Potter's just spewing nonsense. He can't be back. He can't. It's gonna be okay."

Rose controlled her fear and was able to turn her hair back to brown, but she could hear the fear in Draco's voice as well. He was reassuring himself too, he knew what would be expected of him if Voldemort was truly back. Rose hated that for him but she hoped he chooses right. He might be a bully for no reason (Rose has tried to get him to stop that but it was astounding the amount of hate he has towards Potter) but he wasn't evil. Neither was Blaise or Theo. Or her brother.

She hugged her friends and went in search of Ben. He was usually the one that gave her reassurance, or a shoulder to cry on when she needed it but she had a feeling now he would need her supoort, her shoulder, her reassurance. If Voldemort is truly back, her parents would have heard, and they would inevitably try to make Ben a Death Eater like the rest of her parents' friends.

"Hey", Rose said once she found him. She immediately wrapped her arms around him as hard as she could. He hugged her back just as strongly and buried his face on her shoulder. They separated and he grabbed hold of her hand.

"Don't worry Ben. We will get through this together. Like we always have. Remember, you always have a choice", Rose told him.

"Not with our parents Rosie", he smiled sadly at her and squeezed her hand. They went to face their parents and stepped onto the platform.

If they weren't sure that Voldemort was back, they were sure now. Their parents' faces weren't their usual stone look, but instead they were looking around anxiously and tense while they looked for their children.


Celine Burke never knew love. She just knew duty. Duty to honor her family's name because she was a pureblood. Her parents never showed her love or made her feel cared for, like parents are supposed to make their children feel. They taught her that fulfilling a duty to the family name was always a priority. She became a Death Eater for 'duty'. She married for 'duty' and she had children to continue the Burke family line of her husband again for 'duty'. It's all she's ever known and it's all she showed her children.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2023 ⏰

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