Lucy? Lucy! (part 1)

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Lucys pov:

"7 Adam 100 report to a suspected hostage situation at 159 evergreen close." Dispach said through the radio.
"Copy that 7 Adam 100 Mark as responding," I said as tim pressed the button to put the lights on.

Tim had just done a harsh tim test on me, and when I failed, he informed me that I was useless and my mother was telling the truth when she said I could never do this job. As soon as he said the words, I could see in his eyes that he knew he had gone too far this time, but he didn't apologise. He knew how I felt about my mother. Especially when I had knocked on his door crying about her the week before.

We arrived on the scene and heard shots inside the premises. "Dispach, this is 7 Adam 100. How far out is SWAT?" Tim asked. "7 Adam 100 SWAT's ETA is 6 minutes out." Dispach said. "That's too long." I said, turning to tim. "7 Adam 100 were breaching," Tim said before putting the radio down.

"I'll go in first. You cover my six, " Tim whispered. "Copy that." I said, signalling him to breach.

Tim walked into the house and scanned the first room. "Clear," he whispered before approaching the door towards the right side of the house.

I heard heavy footsteps to the left of us and turned around raising my gun. The suspects finger flew towards the trigger as I released a shot from my gun.

I heard his bodyweight hit the floor and his gun drop next to him. Tim turned around. "What the hell?" He asked, confused. I breathed a sigh of relief but was stopped by a sharp pain in my lower abdomen.

"Tim..." I said, turning towards him. "Lucy? Lucy!" Tim said with a worried expression on his face.

I felt dizzy, and my legs turned to jelly. Before I could register what had happened, I felt myself falling, falling, falling. It felt like I never stopped falling...

Tim's pov:
I watched in horror as Lucy crumpled to the ground in front of me, clutching her stomach and grimacing in pain. My heart raced as I tried to remain calm, but seeing her in agony was too much for me.

"THIS IS 7 ADAM 100 WE NEED A RA TO MY LOCATION NOW. OFFICER DOWN, I REPEAT OFFICER DOWN!" I shouted into the radio. "Lucy? Lucy... stay with me, come on. I haven't finished training you yet!" I said, tears threatening my eyes. Lucy slowly opened her eyelids only far enough to be able to see me. "Yes, you have. You were a great teacher, tim." She said a tear running down her cheek.

I knelt down beside her, taking her hand in mine. "Hang on, Lucy. Help is coming," I assured her, struggling to keep my own panic at bay.

Her face was pale and sweaty, and she shook with pain as tears streamed down her face. I felt helpless, not knowing what to do to ease her suffering.

"Lucy. I'm sorry. About earlier. Please just stay with me, " I said, my tears falling onto her face. "Who knew underneath all of that hardass TO cover? You're really a big softy," Lucy said, smiling. "Shhh, you need to save your energy, please," I said, stroking her hair.

"Thank you, Tim... for everything. Tell Tamara I love her." Lucy said, looking up at me with her big brown eyes. "No, I won't because eyour not going to die Lucy." I said, hugging her. "Please promise me..." She said, sobbing slightly. "I promise," I said as I held her tighter. I felt her hand that was resting on my back go limp. "Lucy? Lucy! Stay with me, please. I can't live with this..." I pleaded.

Finally, I heard the distant sounds of sirens approaching and prayed they would arrive in time. I lifted her head onto my lap, whispering comforting words to her as we waited for the ambulance to arrive.

When the paramedics finally arrived, I reluctantly released my hold on Lucy's hand as they rushed in to assess her. I watched nervously as they hooked her up to various machines, trying to determine her oxygen levels and heart rate.

Despite their best efforts, I could sense the tension in their movements as they worked at lightning speed to stabilize her.

Finally, I heard one of the paramedics speak. "We need to transport her to the hospital immediately. We've managed to resuscitate her, but she's deteriorating again.."

I jumped to my feet, ready to follow them to the ambulance. As they lifted Lucy onto a stretcher, I felt a strong pain in my chest. It's was not an injury. It was an emotion...

As the ambulance raced towards the hospital, I held Lucy's hand and whispered words of encouragement, telling her to stay strong and hold on. But as we arrived at the hospital, Lucy's condition worsened, and she stopped breathing once again.

The medical team worked frantically to save her, but it was too late. No matter how many times they attempted, they failed to resuscitate her again. "No. Try again. Please..." I begged still tightly gripping lucys hand.

Angelas pov:
Me and nyla arrived at the hospital after we got the news. We saw Tim pacing backwards and forwards in the waiting room. When we walked up to him, I could see how bad he was.

Tim was beside himself with grief, unable to process the fact that she was gone.

Tims pov:
I had failed to protect my rookie. And i had been such an ass that morning. I glanced at my watch. It was strange to think exactly three hours ago. Lucy was laughing with a smoothie I her hand outside of the lunch trailer they went to every day.

I made my way back to Lucy's room and saw her body on the bed. Lifeless. Cold. Her smile was gone. The usual shine in her eyes had faded.  Her eyes were a dark shade of grey instead of their usual  beautiful brown colour. I walked over to her and closed her eyes gently. I lifted her head up slightly and untied her bun so her long curly hair lay losely on the pillow. "Goodbye Lucy..." I whispered before shutting the door behind me.

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