Chapter -25 : Bbangsaz 🔞

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The next day, in the evening after school, Minji was lying on her stomach playing with her phone, on her bed, when there was a knock at the door.

"Come in." She shouted not wanting to move from her position.
She thought it would be Hyein and doesn't even look up to check who it was.

Hanni climbed on the taller's back and looked at the screen putting her chin on the back of Minji's shoulder. Minji instantly knew who it was.

"Who are you texting with? You're so indulged in your phone." Hanni asked, her voice quiet.

"It's a junior. Why are you here?" Minji asked.

"Was working on our English project. Were you sleeping?" Hanni said reading some of the messages. Seems like the juniors are asking how Minji's doing and if she's resting properly.

"No. Couldn't sleep properly for some days now. It's beginning to affect my health." Minji sighed closing her phone.

"Why? Is there a problem? Something's troubling you?" Hanni asked, concerned.

"Just so many things in my head." Minji replied shortly.

"I'm always here you know.. if you want to talk about it."

Hanni got off her back and Minji rolled over and shifted, giving space for Hanni to lie down next to her. Hanni gladly takes the space and lies on her back too.

"No... Too far away... Don't like it.. come closer." Minji whined making Hanni chuckled.

When Hanni came closer Minji hugged her burrying her head in the crook of the shorter girl's neck. They stayed like that silently for some minutes. Minji's breath on her skin gives Hanni goosebumps but she liked it because it was Minji.

"I was really worried about you yesterday... You didn't look so good suddenly." Hanni whispered.

"Really? You noticed me in the court? I thought you only look at Yunjin." Minji whispered back.

Hanni slapped on her side, "You sound jealous."

"I might be jealous actually." Minji replied and that made Hanni face towards her. They looked at each other's eyes and Minji looked at Hanni's lips for a fraction of a second which didn't go unnoticed by Hanni.

"Don't play games with me Minji." Hanni said. Minji smiled and turned away staring at the ceiling.

"That's not fair. You make me feel things when you're already interested in someone else." Minji whispered.

"You're also interested in someone else Minji! I know the look you are giving at Park Ji-hu." Hanni complained, irritation evident in her voice.

"What look? Where did you get that idea from!?" Minji asked turning to her side again, shocked at Hanni's words.

" I saw everything too." Hanni turned away.

"Hey, look at me." Minji ordered but Hanni refused.

Minji climbed up on top of her but Hanni won't still look at her.
"You're cute when you are jealous." Minji chuckled, she took Hanni's chin softly in her hand and turned it slowly until she face her. They locked eyes for a moment before Minji leaned down to capture her lips. They haven't kissed each other since the peck in the janitor's closet.

They shared a passionate kiss, and it felt like the first rain after a prolonged drought. Hanni hugged around Minji's neck and Minji deepened the kiss. The kiss soon turned heated and Minji started roaming her hand over Hanni's body. Minji has touched every part of Hanni before but not in this way. It felt different today, like more genuine, more emotional than ever before. She cupped her breasts over the shirt, massaging it softly. Hanni moaned in the kiss but breaks it to say;
"I didn't lock the door, Minji."

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