03. Guilty Heart

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Guilty Heart

Play DateGuilty Heart

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Rory hadn't realised how much she'd really missed hanging out with Nancy and Barb, even if Barbara was on the other end of the phone, all bunged up and sniffly from her early winter cold

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Rory hadn't realised how much she'd really missed hanging out with Nancy and Barb, even if Barbara was on the other end of the phone, all bunged up and sniffly from her early winter cold. The brunette and the blonde huddled close on the Wheeler girl's bed, ensuring that they could both hear the redhead through the phone. They giggled like they hadn't in years. Though her father always shunned neighbourhood gossip, he'd never know about the things that the three girls found themselves whispering about. Their divine feminine nature, the simple act of sisterhood, completely disobeyed Aurora's father. He doesn't have to know, was always Nancy's excuse, and that was compelling enough for Rory.

Muffled shouts and excited screams came from the four middle schoolers down in the basement of the Wheeler house. Aurora's cousin had met her at the door when she skipped happily into the residence, instantly offering her a slice of the pepperoni pizza that they had just spent half of their pocket money on. Sheer love and joy had her stealing his little cap and pressing a thousand kisses into his unruly hairline. Of course, he had tried to shove her off, embarrassed by the thought of being caught by one or more of his friends. Sweet Dustin still mumbled a begrudged 'love you' before he slipped down the wooden stairs.

Nancy was in her pyjamas, much different to Aurora's slightly dressed up sundress and white leg warmers. When the blonde had first come in, she questioned the outfit, only to find out soon after that it was all for a certain chestnut haired boy.

"He's picking you up here?" Nancy giggled before dramatically throwing her hand over her forehead, acting like a maiden from one of the kids' D&D games. "Oh, Mister Harrington pulling up outside the Wheeler residence! Surely, the people will talk." The two laughed as they flopped down onto her bed, posters of pop stars and actors staring them down in their heightened state. "I cant believe how serious you guys are getting."

With rosy cheeks aurora agrees.

"Don't you think it's all a bit quick?" Came the snuffly, static voice of Barb. Aurora sat up, turning onto her stomach to face the phone that sat upon Nancy's pale bedsheets. "I mean... you've never had a boy over before, Rory. You really think your dad won't mind?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2023 ⏰

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