Chapter 8

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The next morning Aimee work up late as she always did, rushing, talking her way through finding that one shoe that always goes missing on her. She slid her tank top on, then a t-shirt, it was the style back then, and well, she never outgrew that. Stopping in the hallway mirror she assessed her hair, debating if it needed to go up in her famous bun. NOPE! If he doesn't like it, oh well. Wait, why would I even consider doing my hair to impress him. FUCK HIM! Well, now that doesn't sound all that bad does it now Aimee. Okay, now brain, shut off. I need to focus. Focus, focus, focus. Aimee took a deep breath, steadying her respirations. I can't seem nervous. I can't even pretend his mild being makes me weak in the knees! She headed towards the steps that ran to the back of the house. She could again hear Tucker in the kitchen talking with Greg. Well shit! He's still here.

"Good morning, Sunshine." Milly said with a side smile. "Pleasure your joining us so late in the day."

"Mom, its 9 in the morning, not exactly late in the day."

"Breakfast is on the stove, I made waffles and eggs this morning, may be a little cold but you can warm them up, the coffee is fresh."

"Thanks. So, Dad, what do you need done today?"

Greg looked at her with concern. Looking up from the daily paper, his glasses just popped over the brim. "Well, now that you mention it, you and Tucker can take the truck into town. I was going to head up to the feed store to get the hay needed for barn stock. Its getting low."

"Dad, can't I just go alone?"

"No, you can't. I need tucker to drive the trailer, I know you may know how to drive a truck, but this new 5th wheel can be a little tricky."

"Fine." Aimee the grown woman-child huffed as she sipped her coffee. Trucker leaning against the doorway, hand in his famous pocket position lowered his shaking head with a smile. This has got to be a damn set up! There is not a chance in hell I want to go into town with him after all this time. What if he cant drive and he kills me! Again brain, shut off, focus, pretend it doesn't bother you.

"Aimee you about ready to head out? It's a bit of a drive."

"Yes, I am. Also, I may have been gone for years, but I do remember the feed store being far away. Thanks." The amount of tension and sarcasm could be felt in West Bend at this point.

"Oh, so hasty in the morning. Maybe you should have another cup of coffee before we leave."

"I planned on it."

Tucker nodded and headed out the door. Aimee watched him walk across the yard to the truck, look back at the house and hope in the driver's side of the truck. Mesmerized, she couldn't stop watching him and all he was doing was hooking up a trailer. She laughed to herself as she finished her second cup. Standing up, she stretched, placed her dishes in the sink, kissed her parents and headed out the back door.

"Common sunshine, let's go." Tucker holding open the passenger's side door for her.

"Thanks." As she climbed in, she shut the door behind her. She watched him look back at the door he had just closed with a hesitant smile on his face. Almost like he missed this. She couldn't be too sure. She didn't want to be either. Aimee still, even all these years later, couldn't get passed all of the bullshit that came with being with Tucker all those years ago. She wanted too, hell she wanted to wrap her arms around him like she did that fourth of July so many years ago. She wanted to hold him in the hay loft. She wanted to choke him.

"Good afternoon, Mark, did Greg call in the order?"

"Yes, he did, we have all the bails in the rear for you, Ill have Johnny come and help ya load 'em up."

"Thanks again Mark."

"Who the hell is Mark?"

"Your dad didn't tell you that when Jim died his cousin Mark took over the store. He's been running it now about 7 years. Not much has changed. Just a new owner."

Goes to show maybe I have been away too long, and who the fuck it Johnny? My god I need to catch up. Wonder if Ginna still lives around here. She'd know all the details of what I have missed. Or she wouldn't. Really hit or miss with her.

"Okay Stop!" Jonny yelled towards tucker. "You're good there, we can start getting ya loaded up!"

"So, do we help them? I Came to load the hay."

"No, johnny and his crew load the trailers now, I can say this is one nice things since Mark took over."

"Oh. Well, I guess its helpful."

"They shouldn't be long, then ill get you back home."

"So, let me ask you this, if you knew that they loaded it up, and we literally didn't have to lift a finger why did you have me come?"

"Honestly, I have wanted to talk to you since you got back into town, felt like this was as good as an opportunity as any to do so and I knew you couldn't avoid talking to me if we are only a few feet apart."

"Well Mr. Brady, that's one way to get someone attention."

"I suppose so Ms. Polanski I do suppose so."

Aimee turned and looked out the window as her anxiety rose, she felt her face getting flushed. She pressed her lips together and moved them from side to side as she left the silence of the truck take over, the low humming of the radio and the sound of the wind from the AC was all that she could hear. Her mind silent, no racing thoughts, no thoughts at all. Even though she had wished her internal monolog would kick in and help her through this moment. Unsure of the conversation to come if there would even be one at all.

"All loaded up there Tucker, Ill see ya in a few weeks. Tell Greg and Milly I said 'Hi'." Tucker did his two-finger salute as he pulled away from the feed dock. Looking over at Aimee still staring out of the window, he so much wanted her. In so many ways. He wanted to tell her that he hadn't stopped thinking about her since the night she left, and how sorry he was. He never wanted her exposed to that, to him. To the life he fought so hard to hide away. He knew he had hurt her. He knew she wasn't likely to forgive him like Greg and Milly did. He knew he had to make it right, she was the one. His truth, his muse, his literal reason for living. If only she knew. If only I could show her how much I have changed. How much I would give to have her back. There is nothing on this planet I wouldn't do to prove to her that I am a changed man.

"Hey Aimee, we have some time left. You wanna stop and grab a bite?"

"Sure Tucker, we can stop."

Tucker knew the right place to go. Hoping it would spark something inside Aimee. He put the truck in drive and headed out towards Timmy's. Little whole in the wall diner that severed the best pie in all of Gunner. It was also the first place he had taken her too.

"This place is still open?"

"Yes, and the pie is still as good as always."

They walked to the door, the same little bell chiming from above. The table bar was covered in old timers drinking coffee and shooting the breeze, the town awards hung in still frames. Fresh baked goods lined the counter under simple glass displays. Row upon row of coffee mugs, plates and bowls sit inside the dish racks. The smell of fries and burgers filling the air.

"It's like time stood still here, nothings changed in all this time."

"Yup, same place, same owners and the same good ole burger and fries."

"I almost forgot about this place."

"How could you forget Timmy's?"

"There's a lot of things I wish I could forget." She shot Tucker with the side eye.

"Ouch. That one stung a little."

"Good." Maybe now he'll pay a little more attention. 

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