29. That Thing Called Socialising

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Another hefty gust blew up the nape of my neck, sending chills down my body and beneath the collar of my coat. Giving me the excuse to cosy further up against Mezo. His warmth staved off the cold but also upheld the reminder that he was there. Always there.

That's what he promised.

The agency had given the ones involved with the rescue mission at the department store the rest of the week off. Much to my delight.

They would have needed to prise him from my very hands if it were to be the alternative.

Having the person I cared for the most in this world being put on the verge of being lost forever did my delicate mind no favours. There hadn't been a moment where Mezo wasn't close to me. My body craved his closeness and the second he was beyond my vicinity I felt like I would fall right back into that same state of panic.

There were times that the neediness disquieted me though. I couldn't help but worry that it would become too much for him. But it never did. If anything, he relished it. Mezo was just as eager to keep me close. It was new to me and I was still getting used to it.

Nothing was done without the other. And the best part of it all was the nights. From simply being held by him—enveloped by his strong and multiple arms— to the long, ardent nights of love fuelled passion. Clutching onto each other's pleasure and nurturing it preciously.

I could spend every second in bed with Mezo. It was my happy place.

Mezo makes me happy.

"You know you don't have to do this if you don't feel up to it. We could always postpone it to another day. The others will understand."

I looked to him and then to the place of discussion, that was now quickly approaching. If I had wished to change my mind, it was too late to do so now, but it was about time we ventured outside the comforts of the apartment.

Smiling softly, I brought my eyes back to Mezo. "I'll be fine. And anyway-" hooking both arms around one of his and squishing my cheek into the thick bulk of it. "I have you."

Mezo smiled, back to being hidden beneath a mask, his lips pressing against the green fabric underneath. He stopped me before we could step any closer to the bar and pulled me around—clamping my body close against his front.

"Always," he muttered, holding my palm against his covered face and kissing it through the mask. It may not have elicited the same effect that his bare lips would against my skin, but it still had me overflowing with undeniable love. I wanted to reach up and kiss him so badly, but he wasn't ready to show the rest of the world his true self quite yet. And honestly, I wasn't ready to share that part of him with anyone else—his smile was all mine.

"I love you."

He smiled against my palm and closed his eyes, inhaling deeply. "Careful Firefly. You know very well the impact that those words have on me."

"Is that a threat?" I asked, raising my brows in questioning.

"Maybe," he replied, opening his eyes to gaze firmly into mine, a somewhat desperate glint to them. "If it were, would it change your mind?"

I laughed, lifting myself onto the tips of my toes. "You are literally the least threatening man to exist, Mezo. And besides, we can't stay locked up in your apartment forever. It'll do us good to see and speak with people," I kissed the bottom of his chin and dropped back down, taking one of his hands into mine and coaxing him to follow.

Mezo looked as though he wanted to argue my point, a crease forming in his brow at the thought he was about to voice.

"Other people," I quickly pointed out.

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