Front row tickets to the show.

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Miku watched on as Tsukasa materialised in SEKAI, a worn out look inhabiting his equally tired face. 

She sat, staring at him from her seat on the big dipper rock (idk this just exists now).

She stared at him whilst he shuffled around before finally reaching the bench in front of the fountain.

She stared at him sit with his head in his hands.

She stared at him for what felt like hours. It was like front row tickets to a show that never happens.

She stared at him until she felt a little push.

Happy mask Len grinned at her, the other side of his face completely blanking her, and gave a little thumbs up. Miku attempted a smile back, a smile like she used to be able to do, but felt her face contort into a grimace or frown instead.

Bracing herself, she walked towards the despairing boy.

"Tsukasa? Are you okay?" 

What a stupid question. She knew he wasn't.

No one you ever have to ask that question to is ever okay.

"What....? What do you mean?"

"Do you feel whole? Complete? Are you sure of it?"

No reply. She had gone too far.

Miku stared at the boy in curiosity. 

His eyes fell blank. Their sparkling quality washed away for good.

"Tsukasa? Do you want to disappear?"

Tsukasa's eyes flashed with a form of rage, before he quickly recomposed himself.

"...I...I just want to be left alone right now, Miku." He sounded so very polite. "Please."

On the surface, he was polite. Underneath was a whole different story. 

Miku knew his true thoughts. Angry voices swam through her head, yelling at her relentlessly.

Go away.

Go away.

Go away.

Go away.

How DARE you assume ANYTHING about me.

They cried helplessly and screamed at her for a whole minute. An excruciatingly long minute.

"All I wanted was to talk to you, Miku. I thought we'd be on the same page. I knew it was a bad idea. You're too helpful. I don't need help." 

She didn't need to listen to the growing voices in her mind to know what he was feeling.

It was plastered all over his pathetic face. That empty look of remorse screamed selfish.

"If you do want to disappear... there's a, uh, free dressing room in the big top. Rin... Rin ran away."

She couldn't bring herself to tell him that she'd banished Rin for being selfish on Tsukasa's behalf, not when she could see the implications of the word on him.

"Thanks, Miku. I... I really appreciate it."

And for the first time since he'd stepped foot in the SEKAI, Tsukasa smiled. He'd left his eyes behind, but it still felt real. Or as real as it could have been, considering his mental state.

Miku stared, tracking the boy with her eyes as he walked across the grass, wilting the flowers with his touch.

What a poor, poor boy. 

A poor, poor, pathetic little child.

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