3☄️: "let the show begin!"

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After the two made a deal, they went back into the streets and started to have a normal conversation about such things. They arrived at a place where (y/n) and and Aqua will begin their first step into hunting the killer.

"Alright, just act natural and don't mention anything about me being y'know what,okie??" she whispers with a playful charisma.

"I know I know." he sighed and the two walked inside the set. There were so many people, some of them were A-lister artist, some we're famous influencers now becoming an aspiring artists; and many others. (Y/N) went and hugged some of the artist while Aqua was just left alone there, looking around and scanning every people there is in the room.

"(Y/N)-chan, who's the handsome looking dude?" A girl peeped, looking right at aqua while she twirls her hair. "Ah!~ that's Hoshino Aqua, a friend of mine!" (Y/N) smiled at the girl; "A friend you say?~" The girl said in a teasing manner, "don't even think about it Mei-chan! He's not interested in any form of relationship whatsoever! " (Y/N) retaliated before her friend Mei could even start to make a move on Aqua. "Aww, oh well! C'mon let's go the director's waiting for us!"; Mei dragged (y/n) near the spot where the scene will take place at.

"Aqua-san, let's go!" (Y/N) signaled Aqua to come with them so he could introduce himself "alright, coming." He followed the two girls on wherever they're going. He spots the director sitting..and to him he seems familiar.. but somehow don't know who he was.

Aqua felt a cold sensation travel down his spine,as if something was watching him from the shadows, his breath hitched as he felt a hand on his shoulder..but it was none other than (y/n);"Aqua-kun, keep your eyes out open..there are wolves in sheep's clothing lurking around here.." she whispers quietly in his ears, although she was smiling..it was rather a chilling smile..he just nodded and stayed quiet as she went on and introduced aqua to the others.

"Hey everyone! It seems like we're having a new actor joining us on set..!" Everyone looks at (y/n) and then looks at Aqua.

"I'm Hoshino Aqua, I'm here to fill the role for the male lead. I was scouted by (L/N) cause she said you guys were looking for a male character, so I took the opportunity and now I'm here." He said in a rather neutral yet soft tone, everyone seems to smile and welcome Aqua right away.

"Ahh yes yes, I've heard about you.. Hoshino was it? You were the child actor with Arima Kana correct?" The director asked.

"Yes, that was me when i was younger" Aqua nodded and then eyed (y/n) beside him, she just gave him a wink and walked away someplace else.

"You were also in some other films like [some other films aqua was in], am I right? You're quite a popular kid" the director added. "Hm, yes those were me. I am 'very passionate' about acting anyways " He just gave the director a small smile as the director asked more and more about him and his personal life.. he was getting bored with all these interrogations about him and his past films..he wasn't that proud of it since it's just his way of getting more informations about the killer.

(Y/n) noticed how aqua was getting bored slowly by slowly, so she walks towards him and wrapped her arms around him. "Let's go there Aqua-kun!! I'll show you around the set for a bit!" She eyed him, signaling that they need to go and he smiled as his eyes squinted as a 'thank you for saving me here' kind of way.

The two walked away from the director and once they were far enough they just sighed in relief, "dang you look like you'd die out there" (y/n) laughs and tugged him on the shoulder; "yeah, thanks. He was interogating me so much and I was just overwhelmed". Out of nowhere, Aquas' hands just moved on its own to pat (y/n)s' head.

What fate brings us..☄️ (fem!Y/N x Hoshino Aqua) Where stories live. Discover now