The Doors

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Leo's POV

     Lotus Hotel and Casino; a scam to trap you in one place for eternity and only have you age five years. The doors will have been locked as soon as you enter, and I should know. I've been there since 1875.

     I'm part of a group of people there: Calypso (an ancient greek princess from 146 BC), Percy Jackson (a physically abused run away from 2017) and Annabeth Chase (another run away with a dead mother, an emotionally abusive stepmother, and an absent father from 2017) the two of which have two children together, Luke and Zoë Jackson, twins, (when you've been dating for two years sand stuck in a hotel with no concept of time you tend to get bored), Hazel Levesque (a world war two almost-not-survivor who found the hotel while on the brink of death from the 1940s), Nico and Bianca Di Angelo (two italian orphans who escaped from the Mussolini dictatorship in the 1930s), Frank Zhang (a boy from 1976 who's mother and father died in war), Jason and Thalia Grace (the final two of the set of 2017 runaways, who all came together, these two had an alcoholic mother and a father who abandoned them when Jason was born), Reyna Ramírez-Arellano (a girl from 3012, the newest arrival who joined our group immediately, her sister and only family member left died and her parents both gave them up through the foster system), Chris, Cecil, Connor, and Travis Stoll (four brothers who ran away from a dad with emotional issues and a mother who was physically abusive in 2023), Katie Gardner (a girl in 1837 who escaped from an arranged marrige at age twelve), Clarisse La Rue (a girl who was found out to be a woman hidden as a solier in world war one), Lou Ellen Blackstone and Rachel Elizabeth Dare (two girls hiding from the Salem Witch Trials), Will, Austin, and Kayla Solace (a group of half siblings from 2050 who were hiding from a father who was never there and no one to take care of them), and finally me Leo Valdez, a hispanic boy who was running froma dead mother and a broken father in the year 1875.

     We were all meeting up for dinner when Will and Nico came running in, both with messy hair and wrinkled clothes, and Nico smiling which never happened.

     Bianca rushed up to the two and started to speak in very fast paced Italian, "Nicolo Alexander Di Angelo, fratellino, cosa in nome degli dei ti ha fatto sorridere? Vi siete baciati? OH MIEI DEI VOI DUE BACIATI! HO BISOGNO DI PARLARE CON QUEL RAGAZZO ORA, VERO!" (A/N: Italian is my first language but I havent had to write in it for a while because I live in America so sorry if I get anything wrong throughout the book)

     Nico sighed, Will (who apparently understood Italian) turned bright red, and I was just wondering what they were saying, "No sorella, non ci siamo baciati ma io... noi, abbiamo notizie per tutti così possiamo parlarne più tardi."

    "Ok, ok sorry for overreacting, what were you going to tell us?" the older sister questioned as Hazel laughed, as she had learned Italian from her siblings (Hazel is the half sister of Nico and Bianca and had finished translating what they said inside of her head.

    "So, me and Will were walking around and we decided to check the doors, to see if they would open, and the front entrance opened!" Nico excitedly exclaimed.

     There was a lot of chatter and yelling until Calypso piped in, taking charge like she always does, "Ok, everyone go pack your things and finish eating or whatever you need to do. We leave tomorrow!"

     As everyone either finished eating or shuffled out I went up to Calypso determined to talk to her about her decision for all of us to leave. As I walked toward her I saw her laugh and move some of her hair out of her face. Her laugh, oh her laugh, it sounds wind chimes in a windy and warm spring evening, along with that her hair is the color of caramel during fall and wavy just like the hem of her skirt, which she made herself as Calypso doesn't like to rely on others so she makes all her own clothes and food.

     I never talked to Calypso that night.

     A/N: Hello my readers! Sorry that this probably sucks ass, but whatever. This is my first PJO fanfic and I hope that you enjoy it and it's mediocre decency. I will post the next two chapters along with this because why not (also those introduce the Solangelo plot and I love Solangelo).

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