Will's B-day Special

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A Stupid 3 + 1 Thing (Ships Included)
A one shot I made.

Ships: Solangelo, (mentioned) Percabeth, and (mentioned) Caleonnor.

Three times that nico's roommates should have realized that he was dating someone, and the one time they did

(Also they live in Massachusetts in this, only because Annabeth and Will are smart people.)

No Ones POV

1. The Hoodie

    Nico Di Angelo was home alone, which wasn't a common occurrence when you had seven roommates and one of them had both a boyfriend and a girlfriend that basically lived in your home. So when he was home alone, he tried to make the most of it. Nico was in the kitchen, cooking dinner for that night, which he enjoyed doing.

    "That hoodie is too big on you, Nico, and not in your normal color palette for wardrobe choices."


    Of course it had to be Leo to walk in when he was home alone, and wearing his boyfriend's (who none of them knew about) hoodie that he had stolen because Will was away on a conference for work and Nico wanted to have it so he would be reminded of Will. Of-fucking course.

    "Are any of your significant others here, Leo?"

    "Yeah, Connor is in my room. Anyway, the hoodie, care to explain, Nico?"

    "And Calypso's coming over for dinner too, right?"

    "Yes yes yes, now stop trying to change the subject Nico! Hoodie! Now!"
    "Urm- I- Um- I accidentally ordered it too big! Yeah! That's it!"

    "If you say so, Death Breath."

    "Don't call me that!"

    "Not gonna happen, Death Breath!"

    Nico sighed at his idiotic roommate. At least Leo bought the lie, Nico thought. Of course, Leo is the stupidest one out of everyone I live with, of course he would believe the lie.

    "Dinner's ready, text the others to get their asses back home, and get your boyfriend in here."

    Nico walked into the dining room that was connected to the kitchen and living room, food in hand. He placed the traditional Italian spread - that his Mamma taught him to make when he was just around five years old - on the table.

    Percy and his other roommates burst through the door. Once Leo told them that Nico was cooking dinner they had rushed to get home as fast as humanly possible, they all loved Nico's cooking.

    At the end of dinner, Annabeth asked him about the hoodie, but Leo just explained why it was too big and Annabeth brushed it off.

    By the time that they had all settled in for a Marvel movie marathon the hoodie was long forgotten by Nico's roommates, but not by Nico himself, of course. Nico would never forget about anything that had to do with Will Solace, especially his very comfortable and very fuzzy Harvard Medical School hoodie.

2. The Hickey- Sorry, bruise

     Nico sat at the edge of the pool that Percy had dragged them all into going to.

    "Nico! Get in the pool with us! It's fun!" Hazel yelled at him. And if you knew anything about Nico, you would know that he could not resist his sister when she asked him anything.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2023 ⏰

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