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Vegas was out of the country when he got the news, he was trembling and scared like only once before.

He hated that he wasn't in Bangkok when Pete needed him the most. He took a private flight as soon as he could go back to Thailand.

Every minute, every second was killing him inside, not knowing Pete's condition was destroying him. But he wanted to stay strong, for the both of them, at least till he made sure Pete was okay.

Several hours later he managed to arrive in Bangkok and headed to the hospital, driven there by one of his men because he was in no condition to drive himself.

As he reached the room his heartbeat was going crazy, he was afraid to see Pete in conditions he couldn't bear.

As he entered the room Pete was sleeping, he seemed to be okay, he got a few scratches but nothing major.

Vegas felt glad Pete was alive and safe, he thanked the god he didn't believe in.

"Are you already back?" Porsche asked as he entered the room. He was carrying a few bottles of water.

"I rushed here as fast as I could. How's he doing?"

"He seems okay so far but he hasn't woken up, the doctor said he got a quite strong concussion and they need to check if there was actual damage or not"

"What happened?"

"I don't know, someone found Pete on the pavement unconscious"

"Fuck... Which place? When?"

"If you are looking for any camera recording there is none, Kinn already checked"

"Then it was something premeditated, they were looking for Pete. Fuck I shouldn't have left"

"It's not your fault Vegas. Pete will be alright, he's strong, nothing can get him, right?"

"Yeah I know"

"Here, take some" Porsche offered a bottle of water to Vegas.


A few more days passed and Pete didn't seem to show any sign of waking up soon. Vegas was getting more and more concerned, he wouldn't be able to live a life without Pete in there.

"Love, you need to wake up, I need you to wake up" Vegas whispered caressing Pete's cold hand.

"Are you cold? I'll warm you a little" he fixed the blanket so that was covering him more, he checked the heating and regulated that. He sat back next to Pete and took the hand of his boyfriend in between his own.

"Is it better? Pete, I can't believe I'm the loudest one, that's not how it's supposed to be. Open those pretty eyes for me" he kissed the hand he was holding.

More days went by and Pete was constantly getting visits from his friends who exhorted Vegas to rest while they were there. That was the only moment Vegas found himself getting some sleep.

He was scared, he was afraid that Pete might need help and no one was there for him, that's why he didn't want to leave him alone, not even for a second.

This was a moment where he was more than glad to not be the head of the Minor Family anymore. Porsche needed him, even now they had lots to take care of but Vegas was not in a condition to help. Kinn and Porsche let him have as much time off as he needed.

"Hia! Hia wake up!" Macau was trying his best to wake up his brother.

"It's about Pete, wake up" he continued.

"What?" Vegas suddenly opened his eyes as he caught the name of his lover.

"Pete woke up"

"Let's go" he got up feeling a little dizzy.

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