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Pete woke up in the morning, he slept incredibly well. He dreamed about something but he couldn't recall any of that. It left a nice, warming and cosy sensation inside him though and that was enough for now. He hadn't slept like that for ages, or at least it seemed like that in his messed up memory.

Pete looked around for Porsche, remembering slightly after that he didn't use that room anymore.

He got up, took his uniform from the wardrobe and changed into it. It felt suffocating, Pete checked if that was because the shirt was closed up in the neck but it was not. Why did it feel like a cage now? He's never felt that way before, not even the day passed.

He tried to ignore it as much as he could and went to Tankhun's room.

"My beloved Pete, come here" he indicated a place beside him on the bed to sit "How are you feeling today?"

"I'm okay" Pete reassured him. 

"Good, that's good. Pete what if I ask you to stay here with me?" Tankhun patted his back gently.

"What? I am here, I work here for you"

"Don't go to Vegas... please"

"But Khun Kinn asked me to, I can't disobey"

"Do you want to disobey me instead?" He lashed out. Arm cleared his throat to let Tankhun understand that he was exaggerating a bit, that was not the way to convince Pete.

"I meant to say that I'll talk to Kinn. What do you want?"

"I... whatever it's best I'll do it"

"Pete I missed you, don't leave me ever again" Tankhun hugged him, Pete widened his eyes, surprised by this gesture of affection. Everything was so similar to before but so different at the same time, it felt familiar but so distant. What the heck happened in all those memories he lost? Why was everyone treating him with so much care? He never knew so many people cared that much about him, not even Tankhun.

"What's going on with Khun Vegas?" he dared to ask.

"He's the same old bastard, don't worry about him"

"I don't understand why would he want me there"

"Oh Pete, let him be, it's better if you have nothing to do with him"

Pete didn't try to ask anything more but was more confused than before.

His shift terminated and now he was heading to his room, tired because Tankhun needed so much care and his body seemed to not be used to that anymore.

If he had to be fair he felt like his body hadn't been trained as he was used to for a while. How long before being unconscious has he not trained intensively?

He entered the room and was surprised to find Porsche there.

"I thought you weren't using this room anymore" he threw himself in his bed not bothering to change his clothes.

"Only when me and Kinn argue"

"What happened?"

"Kinn said I should work less. He's a hypocrite because he never did when I asked him. I can't leave everything as I please now, especially because there's lots of work already behind"

"Maybe you two should talk more, I think you both are irascible and let your anger take control of you" Pete advised, he wasn't a relationship expert but he knew enough about those two and their fights to know what was the problem. It seemed like in that period he forgot nothing really changed.

"Mhm...Whatever, I'm staying here till he comes for me"


"Are you ready to go to the minor house?" Porsche tried to change the topic.

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