Chapter Five: Muddy Water

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"You're coming with us today." Min Yoongi said, throwing a duffle bag at Jimin the second the door to Jimin's apartment opened. He was given a place in the same building as Yoongi, one that was probably owned by Jungkook. In the three months he'd been living in it, Jimin barely made any dent to the space. Nothing was out of place, nothing too lived in, no dishes out or personal souvenirs on the shelves. As if at any moment Jimin might pack up and leave.

"What is with you Jeons and throwing clothes at me?" Jimin said as he opened the bag to find a black suit similar to the one he wore on Kim missions. The material was thick and would hug his skin, equipped with neck and face coverage to keep him hidden and hard to cut in a fight. There was a pair of combat boots and a belt to hold knives or a gun in there too. The strength of homecoming nearly knocked him back. It'd been a long while since he'd seen clothes like that.

"Maybe we're just trying to help your fashion-sense." Yoongi said, letting himself into the apartment. Jimin eyed the older, assessing the way he seemed to always roll his shoulder like a past injury bothered it.

Since the night Jungkook took Jimin to the bar, his time with Yoongi dramatically increased. He shadowed the right-hand on anything combat or protection related, getting to see the inner ropes of the Jeon gang. It also meant that Jimin ran into Jungkook more often.

Neither of them talked too long with each other. Jimin needed the space, friends or not. It was dangerous to get close to someone he might get called in to kill - even if The Kim's hadn't contacted him once since he arrived in Seoul. That was the other thing too, Jungkook made Jimin question Busan as a whole which could never happen. Jungkook felt warm, he was so playful and hopeful and just naive in a way that made absolutely no sense to Jimin. How do you live in a world of crime, lead it even, and do that with any sort of kindness?

"Congratulations kid, you're graduating. We have a job tonignt and you're coming with." Yoongi said with a clap on Jimin's shoulder.

"Do I get any more details than that?" Jimin asked as his front door swung open again and Jungkook's advisor, Kim Seokjin, walked in. Jimin had only spoken with Seokjin a couple times. The older was a man with wide shoulders, power in his walk, and a confidence Jimin could only ever dream to reach. Yoongi grinned at a poorly covered hickey on Seokjin's neck. Seokjin ignored him.

"Don't get yourself killed tonight." Seokjin said, checking himself out in the entrance mirror as he walked past it, making sure his lips were still as crimson as his suit. Jimin found it endearing how no matter which reflection Seokjin walked passed, he never failed to make eye contact with himself.

"That'd be easier to do if someone told me what's going on." Jimin said and he felt Jungkook enter before he physically saw him. It was like something shifted in the air; a power suddenly pushing through the space.

"We're meeting with The Parks today." Jungkook explained, throwing his dark eyes at Jimin. Jimin saw them widen at his messy hair. He'd been napping before Yoongi busted in, loungeing in a long grey t-shirt Taehyung had given him years ago and some boxers. A blush grew on Jungkook's cheeks. Jimin grinned, swallowing a laugh that all it took to throw the mob-boss off guard was a little bit of bed-head.

"Surprised I sleep, Jungkook?" Jimin teased and Jungkook ran a hand through his thick curls. Jimin traced the movement, watching how Jungkook's tattooed forearm seemed to flex. Jungkook was wearing a simple black-t shirt tucked into a pair of cream pants with a matching suit jacket around his arm.

"I thought all you did was stab things and stare at yourself all intensely." Jungkook said.

"That does take up most of my time." Jimin shrugged. He looked again at Jungkook's tattoos and caught Jungkook staring at Jimin's legs under his t-shirt. Both men cleared their throats. Yoongi gave Jungkook a shit eating grin and Seokjin pinched the bridge of his nose.

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