Chapter Thirteen: Resolutions

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Jimin sat on Jungkook's kitchen table as Jungkook pressed disinfectant on Jimin's wounds. He hissed from the sting; no matter how many times Jimin had to put alcohol on open cuts, he could never get used to the burning sensation.

They'd gotten back from the chaos of the gala a couple hours ago, listening to the news covering how the ambulances had gotten there on time to help, but more than a third of the guests required hospitalization. Luckily, the death toll remained low. There were only three casualties: Hwasa, the violinist, and one of the photographer's allowed in. Both Jades were gone from the scene by the time the cops arrived, nowhere in the reports. If one of the siblings murdered the other, the body wasn't found yet. Jungkook and Jimin decided to shut the tv off after that, sitting in silence while Jungkook took off Jimin's shirt and started to wash the blood off of him.

Jimin closed his eyes and tilted his head back. He could feel the exhaustion pushing behind his eyes. His head pounded and his body felt heavy as he fought to stay awake. His chest looked worse now that time past and with the adrenaline gone, each breath was getting harder to push out.

"You were rjght." Jungkook said after a long moment. He put the towel and the disinfectant down by Jimin's side. "About the wine. I should have listened to you."

Jimin opened his eyes and dipped his chin so his face was level with Jungkook's kitchen stool. The mafia leader was pulling on his lip ring, his round eyes focused on a part of the room behind Jimin. Jimin reached hand and put it over Jungkook's, taking it away from Jimin's bruises and down by his side.

"We're alive. That's what matters." Jimin said. "Your dad is okay, too."

Jungkook nodded, but he didn't look up at Jimin.

"It wasn't your fault, Jungkook." Jimin tried again. "The drive, the wine; none of it was your fault."

"I'm the one who brought that drug into Seoul." Jungkook said. "I almost got my entire gang thrown in jail; almost got my dad killed too. Can you imagine if The Jades succeed? Everything would have been over - and I'm the one who pushed for The Kim deal in the first place."

"If you want to play that game, then I'm the one who is technically responsible for The Drive." Jimin said. Jungkook frowned. "Taehyung only spread it into Seoul to get me out of Busan so I could spy on you here while you distributed it. If it wasn't for me, no one in that room would have ever been in danger. Our gang never would have been."

Jungkook clenched his jaw, still staring off into space. Jimin scratched the back of Jungkook's neck gently, filtering it through his soft hair.

"You said The Kims spoke with you tonight. What did they want?" Jungkook asked. Jimin smiled sadly.

"To say goodbye, I think." Jimin answered. "Hoseok and Taehyung told me that The Don wanted me back, but they asked me to run instead."

Jungkook blinked, finally looking up at Jimin. He frowned and Jimin's finger's paused their movements.

"You're holding back." Jungkook said and Jimin shook his head.

"You should have seen it, Jungkook. When I lived in Busan, Taehyung and Hoseok looked like these giants that had everything put together. Tonight was the first time I really noticed the way they're so controlled by The Don. They're ghosts, Jungkook. Pawns. They're not - people. I've never seen it that way until I saw how they couldn't breathe until The Don left. Even when Hoseok was following the Don's was like I could see the prison he was in behind his eyes. Like he was screaming in his mind to stop but his body would never be able to do it. It made me wonder if I used to look the same way." Jimin huffed. "They love each other too, apparently. Hoseok and Taehyung."

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