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These stupid boys dragged me out of bed, physically, to hunt down some dead body. Half of one to be exact. Exactly which half? I have no clue, and frankly I didn't want to know. I don't understand why I was dragged along but I'm guessing they wanted to scare me. Which would be difficult given I take classes at the hospital with mom, so dying people don't necessarily scare me. Now, what does scare me is the thing that killed the person still being out there. and that possibility scares the crap out of me. But... Here I am.

The day before school starts, lurking through the woods with my asthmatic brother and his dorky wannabe detective best friend. The list of things I could be doing right now is quite long, but at the top is sleeping. I sleep at least 8 hours a night and if i don't, let's just say i'm 'cranky'. And by cranky I mean I will slam Stiles' head into the dashboard of the Jeep for being annoying. Totally not speaking from past experiences, I would never do that.

I have so many classes this year, I'm attempting to graduate early so I have all of my regular freshmen classes during the day. And then in all of my free time i do my Sophomore year work.  And since I'm already ahead one year I have a lot to prove. Graduating two years ahead of schedule would look fantastic on a transcript, that's what I'm going for. I have been working this hard since before I could remember and if I screw it up it'll kill me. Like physically kill me. Dead. Gone.

My mother says I'm a control freak with major ocd and a need to be perfect, but I just call it having goals. If I set a the bar high enough the chances that I'll jump over it are low, but that's what makes it even more impressive when I do. Call me a show off but I like when people notice my achievements. I don't do them for nothing, they aren't for everyone else but the recognition is welcomed. Anyways back to the present. I get off track a lot in my own mind, it's honestly like a big maze with no exit.

We're walking through the woods, to essentially no where since Stiles has no clue where this body even is. We have to climb up this steep ass hill and I just know Scott isn't going to be able to breath soon. Especially since stiles has taken off running. Why the hell does he put us through these situations? Every time he overhears his dads police calls he talks us into going with him to try and solve it himself. We've been doing this since we were kids, and no matter how many time Sheriff Stilinski chews him out for it he never stops. It's like he needs to know what's going on at all times. And everyone calls me a control freak.

You can see the cops flashlights a few hundred feet in front of us. We're for sure getting caught. I better not get arrested for this or I'm going to beat Stiles. We all run in different directions somehow and I see Stiles get caught by his dad. "Where's your little hunting buddies? Scott! Emmy!" He shouts. Neither of us answer. I'd rather walk home then have a big lecture on the way to the jeep. He starts walking away and I don't see Scott anywhere.

I figure he's going to meet Stiles at the jeep and make my way there, but the jeeps gone and I'm left alone. Great. Now I actually have to walk home, in the middle of the night with a growing headache from the idiocy of the events that have occurred. I just try and get home as fast as I can so I can sleep this whole thing off and hopefully get a decent amount of sleep. When I get home it's just me, Scott probably walked home too so it'll be a minute before he's here. He walks slow. And mom is on the night shift so she'll be here before we leave for school, half asleep as always.

I finally get ready for bed and realize Scott still isn't home, I know he walks slow but now this slow. A turtle would've made it here by now. I check in with Stiles and he says Scott text him. That's all I need to know before I pass out. As long as Stiles is around him, he'll be semi okay. I just don't want to have to worry about him as well as try to fall asleep. He may be my big brother but we all know I take care of him most of the time.

First chapter! Kinda long without covering all of the first episode, but I want her inner monologue to be well written and presented lol. She's a very complex person and has a lot of thoughts rushing through her brain most of the time and I want to make that a big thing in this book. She makes a lot of jokes to herself (just like me lol) but she also makes them out loud too. Overall I just want these first few chapters about what's going on in Emmy's head. Also Emmy is a nickname of Emerson, I just feel like it's easier to write but also fits her well. Anyways I'm babbling Bc I just love this character so much and I could talk abt her for ages but yea lol. Hope you liked this one!

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