Part 1

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"Okay, ladies! Everyone's paid their $50 bet," My friend Binna called to us, pulling our concentration to her, "As last year's winner and this year's commissioner it is my obligation," she paused for dramatic effect, "my duty- nay, my honour," she continued with her theatrics, "to announce the rules for 2023's March Madness,"

There were 6 of us total, raising our glasses in cheers and applause. I wasn't quite sure why we were celebrating a voluntary dry spell that was almost certainly going to cause more than one of us to become a living nightmare, but I agreed to participate, so I was going too. And it was too late to back out now. Besides, winning the $300 at the end of it was enticing.

We had gathered at Binna's apartment to pre-game and get ready together before our night out. She stood in front of us loving every moment of the attention that she was receiving. With her long dark hair and tall stature, she was no stranger to being the center of attention, it was her happy place. The fact that she was also an overachieving perfectionist played perfectly into it as well.

"As you all know," she began again, "this is the third year of our version of March Madness! A tradition that we started—"

"Can we please just skip to the part where we go to the club?" Daeun interrupted, already a few drinks in, making her far bolder than her usual quiet and reserved nature. Her girlfriend, Duri, sat next to her and giggled her agreement.

March Madness really started on the night of February 28th. The first year this happened it was decided that it would kick off in a club, starting the competition the way it should; with booze and boys.

"Fine, I'll just go over the rules and then we can leave," Binna gave up and turned on the projector that she had aimed towards her blank living room wall.

"Only Binna would make a power point for this," someone grumbled to no one in particular.

"Rule number 1, no sexual intercourse!" Binna began, changing the image that was displayed. "Rule number 2, no kissing!"

"Can you please hurry?" a whiny voice chimed.

"Daeun, I swear to god," Binna exclaimed, "Why are you even participating? You and Duri are going to lose before we even start," she pointed out something that we had all been thinking but figured it was up to them if they wanted to play.

"Because I want to win!" the girl in question cheered to herself, making the rest of us laugh.

"Guys back to the rules," Binna managed to gain our focus once more, "No cuddling, no sexual touching, and absolutely no lying! Whichever one of you makes it to 12:01 am on April 1 without breaking any of the rules wins the cash. In the highly unlikely event of a tie," she levelled us all with a skeptical look, "the first person to get laid is our winner!"

The girls around us all began to move around, talking and going to finish get ready.

"Why do we do this to ourselves, Ari?" my best friend Hana, sighed while resting her head on my shoulder. She had participated in both years before this but had failed to make it to the end.

"You're the one who's doing this again. This is my first time, remember?" I rested my head on hers.

"Ahh, yes! You were in a relationship. And how did that work out for you?" Hana teased.

"I'm here, aren't I?" I joked.

"Yes, you are, my dear Ari!" Binan dropped onto the couch beside us, "Are you ready?" she wiggled her perfectly shaped eyebrows at me.

"Not in the slightest," my voice began to bubble with the giggles that were trying to escape, "But it's not like I haven't already been following these rules lately, even if it hasn't been by choice"

"Yes, but your classes are letting up now so you're going to have time. And we all know that you are never lonely for long," Both girls beside me burst out laughing at Hana's observation, causing me to lose my own battle.

The three of us stayed on the couch making fun and of each other and making predictions about the outcome at the end of the month.

"But really though, do the rules have to be so extreme?" I gestured to the last slide that Binna had left on the wall, "Why can't we cuddle? What harm is there with that? We're not nuns,"

"Because, Ari" Binna pulled me over and into her, "Spooning leads to forking,"

"And forking leads to losing, which you don't like. So really, you should be thankful for these rules," Hanna added.

Her words caused me to let out a derisive snort.

"Ari, why do I feel like you're going to make the March Madness more interesting than ever before?" Hana wondered when she began to quiet down.

"I agree!" Binna added, "I just know that this year is going to be good,"

"Why does it sound like you two are cheering against me? I'll have you know that I have every intention of trying to win this," I decided. Up until this conversation I hadn't really taken any of this seriously.

"That's why it's going to be good," Hana countered, "Because I can't imagine you winning but I can't imagine you losing either,"

Before I was able to ask what that was even supposed to mean, Binna launched herself to her feet. Which drew my attention to the fact that everyone had gathered around us, waiting for someone to announced that it was time to leave.

"Everyone's ready?" Binna voiced and received a chorus of yes, "then let's go! Let March Madness officially begin!"

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