The Fool and The Jester

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The comfort of death will come,
For men and demons alike...

...By the guidance of the great will.



I took a deep sigh as I settled into my seat, the only sounds in the train were the low rumbling of the engine and the quiet chatter of a few other passengers. Though they were few in number.

I leaned back in my seat, and rested my head against the window. Through the tinting, I could just make out the passing lights of the city, and the occasional glint of moonlight on the dark waters outside.

Tatsumi Port Island

It was a serene moment, and as I closed my eyes, I began to think of why I was here in the first place.


(Y/N): What..?!

Dad: Please understand. If your mother was still here, I would never asked you to do this...

(Y/N): But I don't want to transfer school...! I can take care of myself...!

Dad: I understand how you feel, but I'll be gone for a year, and I'll worry about you...

(Y/N): So you don't trust me?


After a few moments of silence, he met my gaze, before sighing and continuing.

Dad: Listen, It's only for a year, you'll be living in a dorm with other students and one of them Is the daughter of an old friend, that way I'll be less worried.

(Y/N):......Tch, whatever....

Flashback end

I grumbled as I recall the memory. Because of this I had to leave my friends at my old school, damn that old man, don't he know that making friends isn't easy for me?

As I continued to grumble, my attention was pulled away from my frustration and toward the train windows. A blue butterfly flew past me, its flapping wings drawing my gaze.

Next stop is Iwatodai, Iwatodai

After I grabbed my bag and stood at the train doors, I couldn't help but notice a boy in uniform like mine standing next to me, He wore headphones and seemed absorbed in his own world, so I didn't disturb him. the blue tint of his hair caught my eye as the train slowed to a stop.

I exit the train and went to my next destination with no time to waste, I followed the map that was given to me and began searching for the dorm. After getting lost and asking for direction I finally made it to the dorm.

To my surprise, the same boy with blue hair from the train was standing in front the doors. He had not noticed me yet, as he was engrossed in his own thoughts.

I take a deep breath and decided to approach the bluenette.


(Y/N): Hey...

He turned his attention to me.

(Y/N): I noticed you're wearing a Gekkoukan Uniform, Are you also a transfer student...?

The boy didn't say anything but gave a nod


(Y/N): Oh guess were the same, haha.... Uh...... I'm (Y/N) (L/N).....

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