When you and him get a Pregnancy Scare

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I've noticed this comment by aagn360 a while back but I didn't know how to write it. So now I'm challenging myself to make this story in 30 minutes or less to finally get through with it.

Although I may have changed it a teeny bit- Enjoy reading lol!


Third Person Pov

Luka and (Y/N), a loving couple who had been together for several years. They shared a deep bond and had built a life filled with love, laughter, and support.

The pair had two loving and adorable daughters, and a puppy that could rival the sun with its shining personality.

They didn't really think much ahead of that- Atleast, not after this particular fiasco happened.

It all began when (Y/N) noticed some unusual changes in her body.

She started feeling nauseous and tired, experiencing symptoms that made her wonder if she could be pregnant.

It's important to note that open communication and sharing concerns with your partner is typically advised in such situations.

Honest and supportive conversations can help both partners navigate the situation together.

However, (Y/N) was in no right mind to converse with her husband. The thought of being pregnant again immediately shook her to the core, frightening her very soul.

While Melody and Harmony had been a joy to their lives, (Y/N) wasn't exactly sure if she or her husband was ready to add another bean to their small family.

And while having another child in the house didn't sound so bad- Having one so soon after Melody and Harmony's birth was a bit of a shocker.

(Y/N) found herself in a state of panic when she noticed some changes in their body that resembled early pregnancy symptoms.

Fear and uncertainty filled her mind as she contemplated the possibility of being pregnant again.

She couldn't shake the overwhelming anxiety and confusion that gripped them.

A part of her wanted to blame her husband and be petty about it since he was always the one suggesting to yeet the rubber aside-

But then again, she enjoyed most of their rubber free nights together so maybe she was to blame too.

As days went by, (Y/N) mulled over her thoughts, trying to make sense of her confusing feelings.

She grappled with the idea of becoming a mother of three at this point in her life, questioning their readiness for such a significant responsibility.

Doubts and fears flooded her mind, leading them to decide to keep the pregnancy scare to herself, at least for the time being.

(Y/N) worried about burdening Luka with her anxieties and concerns as she didn't want to cause unnecessary stress or uncertainty in his life, especially if the scare turned out to be a false alarm.

She believed that she could handle the situation alone, gathering her thoughts and emotions before sharing anything with Luka.

Days turned into weeks, and the secret weighed heavily on (Y/N)'s shoulders. She longed for her husband's support but still couldn't bring herself to disclose the situation.

The internal struggle only intensified, causing sleepless nights and heightened anxiety.

Meanwhile, Luka noticed a change in (Y/N)'s behavior. He could sense something was amiss, but he didn't want to push (Y/N) to share if she wasn't ready.

He provided unwavering support and love, hoping that (Y/N) would confide in him when she felt comfortable enough.

Finally, after weeks of internal turmoil, (Y/N) found solace in Luka's unwavering support.

She realized that keeping such a significant secret from her longtime partner was not fair to either of them.

With a deep breath and trembling nerves, (Y/N) approached her husband with fidgety hands.

Luka was already plopped on their bed, his eyes fixated on the instruction manual of the ball thrower he got a while back for himself- For their puppy, rather.

Upon noticing the nervous aura that surrounded his wife, he puts the manual down and turns to look at her.

Sure enough, he could see the anxiety and nervousness bouncing off of her, and he wanted to know what's up.

He reaches a hand out to her, "Come here, baby girl. You've been acting like that for a while now, lean on me."

(Y/N) didn't answer, but she didn't decline his offer either.

She took her hand in his and allows Luka to guide her to their bed. She sat down on the edge and promptly lays her body down the soft mattress.

Luka wasted no time to pull his wife close, his naked chest warming her up in an instant as his arms cage her in a warm embrace.

"Are you going to start talking now, babe? Because I'm not letting you go until you do." Luka wriggled his eyes suggestively, making (Y/N) giggle at his antics.

With a heavy sigh, she preceded to tell him her concerns.

"Luka, there's something I need to tell you..."

She started, "I've had a pregnancy scare- I think. I'm probably pregnant- a-and I've been struggling to share it with you. I was scared and overwhelmed, but I know I should have confided in you sooner."

Luka listened attentively, his eyes filled with nothing but concern and love.

She ended her rambling, and Luka sealed her worries with a kiss on the forehead.

He stares down at his timid wife whose cheeks and nose were already reddening from the nervousness that radiated off of her.

"Honey, you should told me sooner. Why would you think I'd get mad or upset? I already told you my dreams didn't I-? I plan on making our family big." He merely answered.

Surprised by his reply, (Y/N) immediately stammers, "W-what? But having another one so soon-"

"Hush my adorable and timid wife." Luka shuts her up by planting a small kiss to her lips.

"If it's with you, I'm always going to support you. Now if you got another baby in you, then get ready because I'll probably go apeshit again out of concern and worry." He beams down at her.

Relieved by Luka's understanding and support, (Y/N) felt a weight lift off her shoulders.

She realized the importance of sharing her fears and concerns with the person they loved and trusted the most felt real good.

From that point forward, they resolved to face any challenges or joys that their journey might bring, together.

Also, that was a total pregnancy scare. The two visited their personal doctor and he confirmed that there was no baby, much to Luka's dismay.

He swore that he'll put another one in her, not today- But maybe someday. It was a self promise that (Y/N) found weird but hilarious.


Adding another baby to the family doesn't sound so bad no? If y'all want another Couffaine baby, what could their gender and name be? And why you choose that? 👁️👄👁️

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