• I T S U O M E •

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•~ Otome visits her friend's house. Itsumi doesn't leave it often.
It isn't a complete mess, is it?


The girl in a messy hoodie, her hair in a bun and eyes struggling to keep open from under her glasses, walked exhaustedly across the street.

It was early morning. She was in a sour mood, to say the least, and was sure that if someone talked to her she'd say something she didn't want to.

Otome's dull blue orbs were glued to the ground. She didn't feel like leaving her house today, but here she was. What a pain.

Normally, she wouldn't care if it was someone like Tomoya getting his dumbass stuck in his closet for the 20th time that month.

That happened an unnatural amount of times.

Akira would help him most of the time. But she was on vacation.

'Ugh..' she swerved to the side, trying to stand still as she was waiting for some cars to pass.

For Itsumi to call me, ask me to come to her house and not elaborate. Something has to be wrong.

So here Otome was. Walking to her friend's house to see what the matter was.


Otome rubbed her eyes, shrugging off her blanket and bringing her phone up to her ear. Shion sat beside her.

"Yeah? What's up, Itsumi?" She muttered. Shion tilted her head, mouthing 'is everything alright?' with a worried expression on her face.

Otome put the phone on speaker and they both leaned in. Itsumi was hard to listen to on a phone. She sounded like a mouse.

"Umm...could you come to my house, tomorrow?" Itsumi's timid voice was a lot more slower and chilled then usual, so Otome knew something was wrong.

"Is anything wrong? You sound strange." Otome picked up a fry and ate it slowly.
"No! Nothing is wrong." Itsumi swiftly replied.

Otome looked up at Shion and the brunette raised an eyebrow.

"Uhh...okay. I'll come by tomorrow morning. Kay?"

Itsumi didn't reply. Otome figured she was doing something dumb like nodding.

"Bye." She hung up and leaned against the pillow, scrolling on Netflix.

"I hope she didn't pull a Tomoya.' Shion smiled.

Otome chuckled to herself, taking another fry from the plate they had. "You gonna come with?"

Sadly, the Criminologist shook her head. "I'm really busy tommorow.' She crossed her legs, drawing her hair behind her ear. "I hope you get to see what's up with her tommorow."


She noticed that there was a bunch of parcels and letters stacked at the entrance. Raising an eyebrow, the ravenette knocked on the door.

No answer.
Sighing heavily, she took the key from inside the rabbit key chain hanging on the doorknob and opened the door, peering inside.

"Itsumi..." She said. "Where are you..?"

The house was poorly taken care of, she could see that. Otome got memories of her non-stop workdays, where she neglected her needs for the longest times.

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