Takeshi's Troubles

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Takeshi likes to help!


"Help me carry this, will you?"

"I need some tips on how to control my diet, can you spare some?"

"I need a training partner."

Takeshi, a man who always knew that being nice was the first step to making your heart as healthy as your muscles.
He was a giant, weightlifting was his thing.

Normally you'd think everyone in his neighbourhood would be intimidated by the guy.
It was the opposite; need help with an errand? Ask Takeshi! Stuck in a predicament! Get Takeshi to assist you! He was sure to help wherever he could.

It benefited him, too! If he encouraged others to have a healthy mind and attitude, it was enough.

One day, his close friend Satoru needed help. It wasn't anything like he'd been asked before.

"You see, Kiyoshi's mad at me for standing him up at one of his shows." The historian sighed. "I've tried apologising, but he won't budge."

Takeshi raised an eyebrow. "Just for not coming to a show?"

"I promised him I'd be there every time! Ohhh..." Satoru was drowning in his woes. "Now he'll just ask Bani to go there instead of me.."

Takeshi thought for a moment before answering. "Why don't you work on your muscles to strengthen your heart, too?"

Satoru tilted his head, seemingly bewildered.

"Uh...that would..help?"

"Of course!" Takeshi grinned. "Don't you know, if you have muscles, maybe Kiyoshi will like you more!"

Satoru wasn't normally up for these kind of things. But, anything to make Kiyoshi forgive him.

"O-okay!" He squeaked.

Moments before disaster.

Satoru looked up to Takeshi, he really did. Sometimes even thinking, woah, how does he do that?! Or I could never.

Satoru was right. He could never.

"Hurry up, 3 more laps and then we're going hiking! Drink this milkshake, it's filled with natural proteins! 20 minutes of rest after hiking and then we hit the gym!"

The green-haired historian was a flimsy little being. He wasn't built for this.

"Please...the sweet..release from life..." he gasped, trying to inhale air like he was parched and he found water.
It took all the energy he had to keep himself upright.

"Need some water?" Takeshi looked as dazzling and unbothered as ever after that agonising workout. Unsurprisingly.

Satoru couldn't even bring himself to talk, he was using that time to keep himself breathing.
He tried to look as presentable as his weightlifter friend, but if you saw him, he would be described as a soaked kitten.

"I..." Satoru coughed a few times. "I don't think this is working."

"Working out helps everyone! If that didn't help physically, maybe you have a clearer mind now?" Takeshi stared at Satoru, getting a little worried as the historian's figure wavered.

"Umm...I'm still stumped, I'm afraid.." Satoru sighed. "That's it! Bani is going to watch those practice shows, not me.."

"Don't give up yet!" Takeshi, without warning, picked up Satoru and slung the tiny man over his shoulder, to which Satoru yelled out in suprise.

"W-what are you doing?!" The historian's face turned into an abnormal shade of red, too embarrassed to even struggle.

"We're going straight to Kiyoshi, and you're going to say the strongest, heartfelt speech to him ever!"

"I didn't agree to this!!!"

After a while, the two entered the theater where a sleepy Itsumi was watching Kiyoshi's performance.

She was hiding, her face covered and yet her eyes were wide with awe as Kiyoshi and his puppets performed in the center of the stage.

I'm surprised she even left her house..Itsumi does really like puppet shows, though. Takeshi thought.

Takeshi closed the door loudly, to which Kiyoshi looked up the steps of the theater and saw him.

The weightlifter set down a trembling, shaken Satoru who waved meekly at the puppeteer, whose expression turned sour.

"Oh...it's you." Jack took over, the puppet's expression somehow looking more evil then usual. "What do you want? Surely you're too...busy to watch our performances!"

Satoru drew back as if the words were an arrow in his heart.


He remembered the agonising training with Takeshi.
He didn't give up then, so why should he be intimidated now?

He also had the sinking feeling that if he backed out, it would be more workouts with the weightlifter.

"N-no!" His trembling voice echoed around the theater.

"I'm sorry for missing out on your performance once, Kiyoshi! See, I was terribly sick, and I vow upon my life that I'll try my best to cheer you on from now!"

The theater went quiet.

Itsumi didn't look bothered, only looking at Kiyoshi with wide eyes as if she was looking forward to the reaction.

Kiyoshi's face turned a little soft.
"Ummm..." he spoke up, his words loud in the almost empty theater.

"I'm sorry for being mad...It's just, the one you missed was dedicated to you and I didn't know you'd just not appear without a warning..."

Satoru went red. "Don't apologise, please! It's my responsibility, and I can't believe I didn't tell you earlier."

Takeshi stood there proudly staring at his apprentice (?). He never knew Satoru could be so passionate about anything but his idols and history, actually.
Maybe we should have more hangouts later!!

Kiyoshi stood there with a light smile om his face, looking relieved.

"I didn't really like being mad at you...it's kind of Jack's thing."

"It is!" Molly chirped.

"Okay..." Satoru walked down the steps towards the stage. "How about we seal this apology, hm?"

"How?" Kiyoshi asked, tilting his head in curiosity as Satoru made his way towards him.

They...started kissing.

Takeshi sighed in relief, all in a good day's work, he thought.
He stood beside Bani who had started playing on a console.

"So...I'm up for a work out-"

"Get away from me."


this is kind of a fever dream
takeshi is an icon


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