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Denshi didn't sleep often. He spent his nights typing, typing, typing. Even forgetting to eat or take care of himself. It wasn't on purpose, really, just a habit of his he struggled to lose.

Staring at the bright computer screen for hours on end.
Hack, type, eat some ramen when he remembered he hadn't had lunch in a while.

Again, again again again

A hand on his shoulder.
Weary bags under his eyes, he lazily looked up to see a purple-haired girl glaring down at him. There was a ghost of worry in her bright blue hues.

"How long has it been?" He rose an eyebrow, a tired smirk finding itself on his features. Only meaning to add to the frustration on her face.

"A week, Denshi. Come on, get up." She said in a sigh, glancing at his computer. "Can't believe I come here at 2 in the morning and you're at your computer.."

He glanced at her and then his unfinished ramen, sighing as he ruffled his messy hair.


The two made their way to the kitchen after Denshi had completed some half-assed stretches, Akira slightly glancing back to make sure he hadn't suddenly collapsed.

He found it cute of her to hide her concern with a stern demeanor, but he guessed he deserved it with the lack of care he had for himself lately.

She made him sit down on a chair as he groaned, stretching and taking off his glasses, rubbing his eyes. "Damn, where would I be without you?.." Denshi joked slightly.

The mood didn't lighten up as it usually did. Akira didn't make a snarky comeback as she usually did.

Guess I went too far, huh..? An echo of a chuckle sounded in his head. Denshi didn't mean to forget about himself. It was just..
..his job was too important. More important then trivial things like that.

"I'm here too..Denshi."

He sat up straight and stared at her tiredly after the words she muttered.

"I care about you..I want to.. but you never take care of yourself in turn.." she stopped moving.

The atmosphere went colder. Denshi shivered slightly.


Akira is here too.

"Hmm..come here." He held out his hands lazily, messy hair covering his hues.

She tilted her head in confusion before walking over to him, before getting ambushed in a tight hug. It took all of Denshi's energy to embrace her that fiercely.

"Denshi..?" She glanced at him as he wrapped his arms around her.

Denshi didn't reply for a moment before sighing.

"I'll..try. To take care of myself, I mean."

She looked shocked for a moment before ruffling his hair and wiggling out of his grip, continuing to make a meal.

"You'd better."

And the atmosphere had lightened. Just how Denshi liked it.


very short but we luv denaki

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