He's Gay?!?!

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Abbie's POV

"Nick...calm down please." I say, noticing my voice is small and dehydrated. Nick puts a flat palm on the wall and I see his jaw tighten. He stopped and that was the main thing, he was about to break his hand, I know what he is like when it comes to punching things. "Abbie, I just, I'm sorry. I didn't think of what could happen if they caught us." Nick said. "I don't understand..." I whispered. "My parent's work for the shadows..." Nick said to the wall. I stopped breathing and just stared at him. "They...they what?!" I screamed at him and instantly regretted it, my throat stung and I lifted my hand with the energy I had left and rubbed it softly. Nick turned around to face me and his eyes said everything. His eyes were filled with pity, sorrow, anger and regret. "How...how could you Nick?! You lied to me this whole time! You said they died in a car accident when you were little!" I screamed again, my voice going even hoarser. "Abbie, I'm so sorry. I just didn't want to hurt you!" Nick yelled at me, my slender frame shook with fear and Nick must have noticed because his rage replaced with wariness and he tried to make his way towards me, pulling me back against the wall. I watched him with fire in my eyes as he advanced closer to me. "Stay away." I said to him, Nick just kept walking, my back was pinned back to the wall. "Nick stop! Leave me alone!" I screamed again, he stopped and looked up at me. "I said I was sorry..." Nick whispered. After a few hours of laying in that room, we were both taken to a room that looked pretty much like a house, it had a kitchen, a bathroom, bedroom, and even a Mediaroom. "Nicholas, this is where you will be staying, Abbie follow me please." Said Nicks Mother as she practically dragged me by the hair out of the room and down a hallway into a simple bedroom with a single sized bed, a set of drawers and an ensuite, going off the left side of the room, as I gazed around I heard the door slam shut and lock. "Not again!" I yell and collapse onto the bed and stare at the blank white ceiling. "Now what? Do I just sit here and wait for a bloody miracle?" I sigh then I sit bolt upright as Nick yells for me. "Nick?!" I run to the door and bash on the door hard enough for him to hear. "Nick. Let me out of here!" I scream and hear running footsteps. 'Wait, they aren't Nick's footsteps, holy shit who is running to my room?' I think and back away from the door then the footsteps stop and I hear a knocking, but it wasn't on my door.

Nick's POV

I start to walk around and check out my 'room' as I hear a knocking. Humming as I walk over to the door, only to see Cole, my best friend since kindergarten, standing in the doorway as I open it. "Cole! No way!" I launch myself at him and wrap my arms around his muscular frame, holding on tightly. He returns the hug and walks inside kicking the door closed as we stumble into the room. "Hey Nicky." Cole mutters with a smile on his face. Cole trips over his feet and lands on me as we land in a heap on the carpeted floor. "What have you been eating, you're as heavy as an elephant!" I said breathlessly because when we fell, his elbow landed on my chest, knocking the wind from me. "You haven't seen me in what seven years and that is the first thing you say to me?" Cole pouts and rolls off me and stands, putting his hand out to help me up off the super soft, fluffy carpet. I push his hand away and get up on my own. "Oh my god! Nicky, what is this?!" Cole screams at me as my shirt rolls up slightly, showing a small part of what looks like a deep and messy scar. Cole grabs my jeans and tugs them down slightly. "Whoa! Cole! What the hell are you doing?!" I jump away from him as he goes to lean down to examine the scar more closely. Cole just shakes his head and he pulls me closer and tugs my boxers down to the level of my jeans. His hot breath tickled my skin, making me shudder. "This is pretty fucked up Nicky." Cole says as he softly dragged his fingers along the scar making me bite my lip hard, I tried to take a step back but I was at a wall. "C...Cole, no stop it!" I yelled at him in a flustered voice. Cole smiled evilly and put his other hand over my crotch as he leant in and kissed the scar, flicking his snake like tongue against the skin. My lips parted slightly and I heard a soft moan, realising it came from me I closed my mouth and cast my eyes to the ceiling, hoping this would end sooner rather than later. I heard a door down the hallway slam and tried to get away from Cole but he had me trapped. I let out another grunt as Cole pushed harder into my crotch as I went to move away. I heard footsteps then I swear everything happened in slow motion, the door flung open, making a huge sound as it hit the wall. Abbie stopped in her tracks and her eyes were instantly filled with hurt, disgust, pain and hate. Cole smirked against my skin and I pushed him as hard as I could and pulled my jeans up to their original position and started to run to Abbie as she turned on her heels and ran off down the hall. "Abbie!" I screamed at her just as I reached her door, she slammed it shut.

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