The beginning

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A/N: This story was updated/edited on the 7/19/15 

General POV

The sun slowly sinks behind the mountains painting the sky a flawless orange with a splash of pink. The town of Fallen Hill was populated by a little less than 350 people, mostly older married couples or single widowers. Fallen hill had been around for many years.  It was once a thriving and happy town filled with young couples and families, until a devastating fire ripped throughout the town leaving hundreds dead and fatally injured. That night 986 people died. So the town became deserted except for those who were unable to leave. The day tuned to night as the moon rose in the sky. Two young teenagers started to sneak out of their homes and sprint towards the only tree in a 10 hectare radius. The boy reached the tree first and hid behind it as the girl ran up to the tree. "Nick? Nick?" The girl called out for the boy but he never answered. The girl leant back against the tree when suddenly two large arms grabbed hers and pulled them around the trunk of the tree, startled the girl screamed. "Whoa...Abbie calm down" Nick laughed as he let her arms go and climbed up the tree, once on a stable branch, he offed Abbie his hand.

Abbie's POV

Nick offed me his hand like he does every night. Taking it, he pulled me onto the branch he was sitting on. "Abbie, we need to get out of this town." Nick mumbled to me as I lean back against him as he leant against the tree, the wind blowing softly as the stars twinkled above us. "Yea...but you know we can't leave it, this is our home now Nick." I replied as I turned to face him, he just tucked the loose stand of hair behind my ear and put his forehead on mine "I need to keep you safe Abbie, I don't know what could be out there" Nick whispered to me as he gently rubbed his nose against mine.

Nick's POV

"I need to keep you safe Abbie, I don't know what could be out there" I whispered to her as I gently rubbed my nose against hers. "I love you, I can't let anything get to. If you got hurt..." I trailed off looking up at the sky, knowing that the Shadows are coming for us. "Nick, please I'm not a child anymore!" She begs me to understand. "I know, I know...But you can't even use a bow yet, you can barely throw a ball 10 meters." She huffs and crosses her arms over her chest. 'Damn... she's perfect, why did I say that. She's strong but I can't let her get hurt' I said to myself cursing at my own words. "Abbie..." I started but she cut me off.

Abbie's POV

He started to say my name, but I cut him off "You know what?! I don't care if I can't use a stupid Bow or throw a ball! I couldn't care less of the Shadows are right underneath us at this very moment, I've given up trying to run. I've given up fighting!" I throw his arms away from me as he tries to wrap them around me to calm me down. I jump from the tree, running back to the small, but clean and safe place I call home. 'I hate him! I hate him! I hate him!'  I scream at myself as I run home. 

Nick's POV

I watched as Abbie fled from the tree, knowing where she was going. I slowly got down from the tree and walked towards her house, my brown hair getting ruffled by the wind, my hands shoved into my hoodie pockets. "She really needs to get that temper in check" I mumble as I walk into the streets. The streets still covered in ash and dust from the fire 2 years ago. I walk past the house that have been burnt down and rotted away to mothing but big black lumps of wood and ash. When I reach her house I notice the front door hanging off its hinges. Then a scream. "ABBIE!" I scream to her as I run inside the house to see Abbie curled up in the corner.

Abbie's POV

"ABBIE!" Nick screams out my name as he runs into the room. I stay curled up in the corner, shaking, and my hand tight around my knife. "Abbie! What the hell happened?!" He yells running over to me. I hold the knife tighter, my knuckles almost white "Abbie...what did you do..." He lowers his voice as he sees the blood dripping from the knife and down the side of my face. "Nothing...I-I d-didn't do any-anything" I stutter, the feeling flooding back into my body as I point to the blood trails. "S-Something attacked me..." I whisper my voice suddenly becoming weak and scared. 

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