Welcome Home (Epilogue)

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A little over a decade later, the Altonican flag flew over the new nation of the West: the Altonic Union. Amidst T7Z90's war, peace was found: the Republic of Maddsolia and the Free State of Tonalonia had united to form the Altonic Union. The new nation reinforced and expanded its colony on Earth, which they named ChrisKristyu, to pay homage to the parents of Maddsolia's founder.

Now an elective monarchy and diarchy, the government's system allowed Matt and Ynot to rule the union together. The change improved the West and allowed many new things to happen. Several new programs were made, and several new laws were enacted. The nation was faring well, and the future was looking up. In fact, the whole of T7Z90 fared well.

In the West, all was good. Most of the former GeometryLand territories gained independence from the Western Powers, and united with some of the Second Algebraic Kingdom's islands to form the Equatzon Republic, repairing the ties between the West and the South East. Acadiemni historians recovered lots of material showing and explaining its pre-colonial language, and efforts have been made to replace the current official language with the native language.

In the East, things fared well. During its revolution following T7Z90's war, MCPS Empire was a little weary about letting some of its former territory unite, so it made a deal. It allowed the Second Algebraic Kingdom to unite and got some of the kingdom's islands in return. After the brief revolution and territorial gain, the nation transformed into the Forrestvan Empire. Despite being an empire, the changed nation had signed agreements forbidding taking more T7Z90 land (excluding the unincorporated land) and forbidding colonization without permission.

As per the unincorporated land, lots of nations arose from the tribes and peoples settling it. Forrestvan Empire and Acadiemn took some of the territory that was lesser inhabited, but the rest remained untouched. The small nations proceeded to unite and grow through war and peace, and a few nations were left.

In the South, there was the Univsa Federation and the Pingu Republic. In the Central, one of GeometryLand's former territories it didn't want, Tri, formed into a sovereign nation. In the North, the Sunshine Republic arose.

A few months later, it was January again. It was Founder's Day again, and all Altonicans couldn't have been any happier. Matt and Ynot were at Twinnings Palace in the new capital, Sibalinsk, engaging in various celebrations. Despite being two world leaders with important jobs, Ynot and Matt still had time to be friends.

And that friendship may have been the catalyst for T7Z90's transformation after all. Both were very proud of their accomplishments, but they were prouder of the workers' brains, the soldiers who gave their lives for this cause, and most importantly, the citizens who built up the nation.

The new nation, along with others, faced challenges as usual, but that didn't let the people down. Matt knew he had to make his ancestors proud, and Ynot knew he must do everything in his power to be free. Acadiemn's leader knew the nation must be pushed in the right direction, and Forrestva's Emperor knew that the change was only the beginning. With their predecessors watching over them, and their allies close by too, these countries are on their way to becoming one big, proud, interplanetary family.

Matt and Ynot walked to the palace's balcony and looked at the sunset. After meditating and enjoying the moment, they felt hope for T7Z90 and all its inhabitants' futures.

"Well, bud. It's been nice working with you." Ynot said to Matt.

"Yeah, sure is. Our nation has come so far. And we too have come so far." Matt said.

"Just a couple decades ago, we were nobodies. Now, we're ruling a superpower of a nation." Ynot snickered and Matt nodded his head.

"Yup, I can't believe it too." Matt said as he turned around and walked inside.

"What's up?" Ynot said as he followed.

"It's time for us to get some rest and get back to work." Matt said and both of them settled in for the night.

Matt felt very melancholic after lying down, and felt memories flood his mind. He curled up in the sheets as he remembered the days of his parents' presence, his family's kindness, and the brotherly spirit in it all. He fell asleep, dreaming of his childhood, then woke up. In the morning, Matt and Ynot knew they'd have to get to work.

The work was hard and treacherous, but they looked back on how far the planet had come and decided to move forward instead of slugging around and doing nothing. They went into the task with enthusiasm, they went on to explore a new terrain; the Terrain on the Horizon.

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