The stars glistened in the nighttime sky as Matt stood on his balcony in a state of deep thought. After revisiting an old theory he had developed during his historian phase, he was convinced it was true. After several more meetings with various organizations and committees, he knew it'd be the only possible explanation. This would be the revelation to end all revelations.
Matt, eager to share the news, called up his friend Ynot Joribel, the leader of Tonalonia, and invited him to discuss the revelation at his manor the next morning. Matt finished up some work and got ready for bed. He went to bed and fell asleep, excited to wake up in the morning. He woke up and the time came to have an international discussion. Ynot arrived soon after Matt got ready for the day, and they both sat down at the meeting table.
"Good morning, Ynot." Matt said after sitting down. "I came here to discuss an important revelation I made, along with the help of many people."
"What is it?" Ynot asked.
"It's that T7Z90 must've been colonized by Earth." Matt answered. "There's evidence that it was, and the puzzle pieces have connected to form the picture."
"And what evidence is that?" Ynot asked.
"One thing is the similarity of life between our planet and Earth." Matt answered. "During NSL's recent speech, an ecology researcher, Clover Gray, found evidence and records of Earth's life, which matches up to ours, T7Z90, almost completely. We're nearly identical to Earth's humans, for instance."
"Still not convinced? Notice the pattern between the languages of most countries on T7Z90. Most of them have English as an official language. Acadiemn, Maddsolia, MCPS Empire, Second Algebraic Kingdom, all of them." Matt said. "Even former countries had English as their official language in some way; GeometryLand had SCtxt, which was normal English but with a different alphabet, for example."
"Uh-huh. I'm getting there." Ynot said.
"Another example is English being a widely spoken language." Matt stated. "English is a widely spoken language in Tonalonia, despite Tonalonian being the official language. This is a side effect of the Maddsolia-Tonalonia war, and the effect of T7Z90's colonization by Earth, too. I could go on about this language stuff, but time's running out."
"On the abandoned ISS, material was contacted that showed evidence of escapees in Florida, part of an English-speaking superpower on Earth, the U.S.A, leaving to colonize T7Z90." Matt said. "Originally, there were only two main colonies on T7Z90; New Maddlands, the first one established, and Academica, the second and final one, that was established a couple centuries later."
"Hm... Yeah. Not sure what this has to do with this, though." Ynot mumbled.
"Take a chill pill. I'm getting there!" Matt retorted. "New Maddlands was split after part of it gained independence as Tonalonia, which later formed into the Empire of Tonalonia. The part still under colonization, Maddlands, eventually gained independence and evolved into the Republic of Maddsolia, AKA Maddsolia."
"Academica gained independence soon after and split into two countries, the Arithmetic Union, and the MCPS Republic." Matt told. "The Arithmetic Union split into two entities, GeometryLand, and the Quadratic Order, which later got absorbed by GeometryLand."
"The MCPS Republic lived on for a while before having a civil war." Matt added. "Following the war, the republic became imperialist and the new nation, the MCPS Empire, took over GeometryLand and some parts of T7Z90 which were never colonized by Earth."
"So why is the East fighting for Florida, anyway?" Ynot asked.
"Because they need to escape from T7Z90. After most of their empire's territories gained independence, most of them became enemies to the MCPS Empire." Matt answered. "One independent territory, Vincentore, had formed into the Second Algebraic Kingdom, which remains MCPS Empire's only ally."
"And together they are the dangerous powers of the East." Matt added. "They somewhat originated from Earth, possibly in Florida, and plan on colonizing there in order to escape eventual prosecution on T7Z90. That's all."
"Ah, makes sense." Ynot said, nodding his head. "Thanks for the news. I'd like to stick around but it's now the afternoon and we have our own work to do."
"Yeah." Matt said. "I have to collaborate on defense plans, spaceships, and the like."
"Work's got busy and it's uncertain if or when we'll meet up after this departure." Ynot said as he walked to the door. "Well, best of luck to you."
"Good luck to you too." Matt halfheartedly said as he opened the door and Ynot walked out. "I'm sure we'll meet again." Matt emptily muttered to himself as he closed the door.
Matt walked to his living quarters, as he didn't have anything to do now. He noticed that his enthusiasm for his job had decreased. He thought the motive for colonizing Earth was stupid, but he knew he was obliged to aid colonization, as he was Maddsolia's leader.
He walked to his bedroom and laid down. Reality did indeed set in and he was now traveling through the future that he dreaded. After thinking these depressing thoughts, Matt curled up and fell asleep.
"Well, maybe I'll get out of this funk." Matt said after waking up from his nap with a better attitude. "It has to happen." He assured himself.
Terrain on The Horizon
مغامرةSee the story of how Maddsolia's president came to be and how he affected his country's history and participated against other countries in the race for Earth's colonization. Notes: -This is the first installment in my fictional world's book series...