Chapter 30: It Comes by Night.

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Takes place in episode 34.

Episode 33 seems a bit too self-explanatory to solve. Burpy gets sick, but guess what, TWO Boon Docs are there to save the day!

I also came to the conclusion the sickness the slug has gotten was due to the exposure to the dark energy the ghouls caused. And guess who cures ghoul-related afflictions? A Boon Doc! So... Ye.

"So... A ghastly being here, huh?" Ashter is seen in his Nightwatcher uniform, as a woman nods, the pair secured in a warehouse.

"That's right... I... We make rules here in the cavern that ensures people lock or secure their homes, making sure their slugs are safe. The being takes them... We aren't sure why." She explained as this takes place as a mercenary mission that is given to those by night or day.

This will be during the night phase.

"And you're offering... 2,000 gold?" Ashter wondered as the woman nods,

"Yeah... We'd offer more if you were in a group, knowing as you're a part of the Shane Gang." She awkwardly chuckled,

"Well... We might do it for free, but my services are paid for. Rest assured, if you see me with them, everything is free of charge. But I have two rules. I don't attack those not related to Blakk and don't ever speak my name to the public. Got it? But since this thing is messing with other slugs... I'll let this one slide." Ashter wondered as the woman nods,

"Of course, of course." She was understanding of the rules.

"Wow... You got a whole arsenal of slugs, huh?" The woman counted,

"Even a healer! Dot, huh?" She walked up, rubbing the Boon Doc's chin.

"Yeah. So far, only I have one. Well, two. But one is retired." He explained,

"I see... Say... How did you come across this guy?" She wondered as Ashter shrugs,

"Fate, I guess. The cavern I was at doesn't exactly have a knack for having these guys." Ashter explained, and soon, planning.

"Around 25 slugs. I just need to ensure I got the right strategy. I don't usually face... Ghosts." Ashter was a bit concerned. But if this thing can touch slugs, then it must have some form of physical form.

"Petri and Cider. You'll be my top stars for today." Ashter says as the Frightgeist and Arachnet are pumped up for this mission.

"Hm... If what Eli says is right... Ghosts might also hate light. So..." Ashter soon gathered,

"Flare, Static, Nightlight, and Dot. You four can radiate a form of light. I am unsure what kind, but you might be a great help." Ashter had his team win.

"Be careful... It can cause destruction during its... Feast..." The woman warned as Ashter nodded,

"Don't worry. I'll be back soon." Ashter vanishes, as she was still getting used to that.

"..." A doctor is seen, waiting.

"N-Nightwatcher!" They suddenly are startled, as on the other side of the room, Ashter is seen warping deeper into the room.

"Did you get the slugs?" He wondered as the doctor nods enthusiastically,

"Y-Yes! They're recent victims. Nothing we do can help... B-But with your Boon Doc, we can get them recharged in no time!" They state as Ashter nods,

"Dot?" He says, as the Boon Doc is seen touching a slug, as they aren't trained professionally. So it took almost nothing out of Dot.

"W-Wow...! It's a miracle!" The doctor is amazed, astonished,

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