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I sighed. Staring in the mirror at the first signs of my roots coming though again. Every month. Without fail. Almost as perfectly in time with my period. I'd be grabbing the bleach mix again tonight, beating them to it and getting rid of every sign that I am not a natural blonde. Being a redhead draws enough attention that I really, really don't need. If I never see myself as a strawberry blonde again, it would be too soon. There's only one reason I'd be able to go back to it and I'd rather not.

"Oop. Sorry Penny, didn't know anyone was in here." Alice smiled, ducking behind me into one of the cubicles.

"No worries." I stood up straight, shaking the water from my hands before pulling out a few of the cheap paper towels from the holder. Honestly, it was like tissue paper, breaking up and sticking to my hands better than it was drying anything. I'm not sure if James knows his cheapskate 'savings' are actually costing us more money but I know better than to stick my nose in where it's not welcome.

"Shoot. Penny?"

"Yeah?" I scrunched my nose up at my own voice, it is running through me, never mind anyone else.

"Do you have like a tampon or something? I left mine at my desk." I slipped my bag onto the counter, rifling through for my emergency stash and holding it under her door. "You are a life saver!"

"Anytime." Pulling my bag back onto my shoulder, I turned to the bathroom door, walking back into the office. There was always a different vibe in here on a Friday afternoon. Less rushing around, people chatted a little more freely because James was usually out of office on a half day. He wasn't the greatest boss around, by any means, but he had taken me on, untrained and with no necessary skills. I don't know why I applied in the first place but I had, and I'd been here 3 years now. The pay was horrible, working for James was demanding and it wasn't worth it at all. But it kept my roof over my head, barely, but it did. So, I couldn't complain there. I had somewhere to rest my head between working here and the bar and that's the most important thing.

But the aura today was different. James hadn't been snappy. He'd smiled. Called me by the right name not Polly, which I have no clue how he got Polly but he had and the 3 times I corrected him years ago just went unheard. He'd even brought in a huge box of doughnuts which he has never done.

It was just bizarre.

The entire office had picked up on it and had been coming to me asking what was going on. As his PA, I should know all the ins and outs of his life. I know his wife's and children's birthdays like they were my own. I know the date his passport expires, his anniversary, his wife's favourite flowers, how much they cost and the number for her favourite florist by heart. But I have no idea what was up with him today. He hadn't asked me to send his wife something so it wasn't that. His kids hadn't had anything big coming up, no events or competitions. There wasn't a reason.

I sat back down at my desk, logging back into my computer just outside of his office, James's laugh echoing quietly behind me. If there's one thing I could say about that office is it's as close to soundproof as it gets. I know for a fact, James has had 'training sessions' with some of the marketing girls in there, them leaving with flushed face and messy hair, yet I never heard a peep from them. I stood up quickly, knocking on the door lightly and waiting for his answer before I could enter.

"Yes?" That's my cue. I slowly pushed the door open, enough to pop my head in.

"Sorry to interrupt, it was just to let you know I'm back from lunch if you needed anything."

"Ah! Penny! Come in!" Uh-oh. He grinned and I was suddenly very aware of 2 men sat in opposite him. He didn't have any meetings today. What the hell is going on?! I hesitantly stepped in, closing his heavy wooden door behind me. "Come in Penny, not stand in the doorway. Don't be rude." I swallowed nervously as I walked across the room to his desk, standing at the side. "Penny this is Alexander Seagrave and his lawyer, Thomas Levan." I turned my head, looking at the 2 people in the chairs.

One, dressed in a navy suit, light blue shirt and a stripey tie. Clean shaven and sat as straight as he possibly could be, he looked like he was trying to remain professional. It was a stark contrast to his client who sat beside him, who looked a lot more business casual. White shirt under a dark grey scoop neck jumper and black jeans. His mousy brown hair laid messy on the top of his head but what really caught my attention was his piercing blue eyes, my breath catching a little bit under their intensity.

"Nice to meet you Penny." He spoke. Deep. A little tang to it as my name rolled off his tongue and I turned my head back to James after giving him a small smile.

"Penny is my assistant Alex, well. I guess she'll be yours." What? "She's great at her job, very attentive, great at remembering everything you need and very organised." James started listing off the things I did for him and I stood there, still trying to work out what was being said. What did he mean I was this guy's assistant? "Penny?" I shook my head a little, at my name, James chuckling a little. "Come on now, don't show me up. Gather everyone in the meeting room." I nodded, walking out into the office with my temperature through the roof.

This could not be happening. James knew I wasn't qualified for this job. He's hired me anyway. If this Alexander whateverhisnameis, was taking over, which for the first thing, when was the business even up for sale? Second thing, if this guy is taking over he's going to look at my CV, see how I shouldn't be here and I'll be the first firing. No question about it. I need this job, I need this shitty paying, soul destroying job. I wish I didn't but I did.

I sighed, running my hand through my ponytail, and walking over to Anna who sat tapping away on her computer.

"Hey Anna."

"Oh, hey Pen. You okay?"

"Um. Yeah. James wants everyone in the meeting room." She looked up, cocking an eyebrow.

"You look like you've seen a ghost." I tightened my hands by my sides in the hopes of settling myself but it didn't help. "What's up?"

"Nothing. Just not feeling great. Think I ate something funny at lunch. Can you help me grab everyone?"

"Sure, thing chick. You grab downstairs?" I nodded, quickly heading down the stairs beside the lift and moving into the call and sales offices. What a nightmare! I didn't have time to be looking for another job. I barely had time to shower at the moment. God what was I going to do. 

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