Twenty Nine

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I pushed the stray hairs out of my face, sweat clinging to them as I panted and took a moment to catch my breath. This was my first time working out in nearly 3 weeks now and I was exhausted. It had really crept up on me and although I was still going a lot longer than I knew most people could, I was kind of disappointed in myself, that I'd lost the extra kick.

This week at home with everyone had left me with not a huge amount of time alone and if I was, I was on the phone to an exhausted Alex. I was tired too. The bed was too big, too empty without him and the positivity I'd had towards it at the start of the week was completely gone. I'd been fine. I had been coping, enjoying the space. But now I just wanted my giant bear back. I missed him way too much and the worst thing is I knew it was going to be at least another week before I had a chance at seeing him.

It was weird. Me trying to process everything. As much as I'd hated running from Jaxson for so long, he'd been a constant presence. Always in the back of my mind. Even now when he was laying dead somewhere, he was there. I was replaying over it all, trying to remember if there was a point I set us down this path. Before it all went wrong. Trying to work out in my head if I'd done something so I could avoid doing it with Alex. I didn't want this to go the same way and I was terrified at the thought of running from him. I don't think I could. I don't think I'd want to. But then again, I didn't want to run from Jaxson at this point in our relationship.

I couldn't sleep. My brain just throwing every worst-case scenario at me. I'd text Alex but didn't get a response. I wasn't expecting to in all fairness. He would either be asleep or working. I hoped the latter. I hope he was asleep safe in some bed somewhere. I hope he was getting enough sleep, so he was wide awake and clear headed when he was working. I hope he was being safe. My brain was telling me he wasn't every time I laid down and stared at his empty pillow. Tonight, it just got too much and I came down here before I started crying again.

"Do you always work out at 4am then?" I sighed, turning to Dean as he slowly approached from the doorway.

"You know better than anyone that 4am is the perfect time for a workout."

"When you're working 2 jobs, yeah, not when you're living it up in some fancy mansion with everything you could ever want at your fingertips."

"Why are you up?"

"Harry called. Someone set off the motion alarm and no one had text him to say it was fine so he wanted to check in." Dean raised an eyebrow. "Alex was snoring in the background and Harry was about to smother him so everything's good on that end." I chuckled, sitting down on the bench, and grabbing a drink. "This is all a bit different to having guys pulling you into their lap and serving pints isn't it?"

"Just a little." He slumped down beside me with a huff. "I wonder who those twats are bothering now."

"Hopefully someone with a lot less on the line than you and me. I totally should have gotten Harry to squash them all."

"Nah, Harry wouldn't have done that."

"You haven't seen him get super mad." Dean laughed. "He turns bright red and this vein pops in his forehead."

"Alex gets that too." I giggled. "Like right here."

"Yep. Same one. I know I said this Wednesday but isn't it so weird how things work out."

"So weird." I nodded, crinkling my brow. "Weird how different things could be with one little change too. Like if I hadn't started working at the bar, or the office. Like where would that have put me? What if I did indeed quit the office and started on with you full time? Or if I just stayed. Would Harry and Alex have killed me at one point?"

"Your brain works in weird ways."

"Mhm. You're not even hearing the half of it."

"Do I ever get the full story with you Pen? You've been one of my closest friends for years and yet I had no clue this was your life as much as it was mine. I'm glad you're safe and all, but I wish I'd known before. I could have helped a lot better. We could have. I get why you didn't say anything, it just sucks you went through it all alone." I sighed.

"It's just how life works out. I was just needing to keep myself safe."

"Yeah, I get that. Maybe I should have pushed more."

"Well, we can't go back now can we?" Dean laughed, standing up at the same time as me.

"So go on, why are you working out at stupid o'clock?"

"Couldn't sleep."

"Bed too empty?" I nodded. "Got it. It's hard when they're away for stuff like this."

"You've done it before?"

"A few times. Never this long though. It's hard worrying about him. He always says that as long as he's with Alex, he's fine."

"Alex said the same." Dean smiled. "I hate that I caused this."

"You didn't cause it Penny. It would have happened eventually. They've been building up to this for years, planning to get rid of the competition. I'm glad you're on the right side now. I'd be gutted if you went back and we didn't know until Harry saw you dead on the floor of some random house."

"That would have shocked you all." I smiled softly. "Has Harry every gotten hurt?"

"A few times. Never drastically though. He's been fine with a few weeks of recovery at home. But it's best not to think about what could happen Pen. No news is good news and someone in the house is pretty much in contact with them constantly. You'd be one of the first people to know if something happens."

"I just don't want him to get hurt over me. I'd rather vanish off the face of the earth all over again."

"Um. No. That's not happening. Never mind Alex hunting you down. Me and Harry would be too. You'd have the biggest family in the world looking for you Penny. You wouldn't get very far."

"I bet I could."

"No. You couldn't."

"Yeah, I could. I'm pretty hand at it."

"Nah. One of us would find you. Besides, who's gonna show Ella how to snap a guy's wrist or how to dye her hair?"

"She better not dye her hair." He laughed. "It's such a pain to keep up with. Plus, it's stunning on her. With Soph's green eyes? God men are gonna kill themselves over her one day."

"Just like her auntie."

"Hm." I raised an eyebrow. "As long as it's not our men, I don't really care." 

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