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My phone buzzed on the table for the 3rd time as I sorted the room out for his meeting. I knew for a fact this was driving him insane and it was just pushing me to do it harder, go further, make sure I really drilled it home to him.

"Morning Penny." I looked up, giving Alice a soft smile as she wheeled in the drinks trolley. "Nice weekend?"

"Yeah, fine thanks. How was yours? Do anything interesting?"

"I actually did! It was my birthday last weekend so my boyfriend took me out to a lovely meal. He was away with work for the last month."

"Oh, that sucks. Nice of him to take you out now though." I pulled my usual chair up into the corner of the room, setting myself up. I had my own little table back here so I could have my drink and somewhere to put my things. I opened the laptop, my WhatsApp immediately popping up with messages from Alex.

8:53am- Lord Douche-
You have to be kidding.
I can't go into that meeting knowing
you're not wearing pants Pops.
Come back here and let me fuck

I smirked, exiting out of his messages, and opening up everything else I needed.

"Yeah. What about you?"

"Not a lot. Same old same old."

"You're smiling."

"Hm?" I looked up.

"Whatever you did this weekend, you're smiling thinking about it." I snapped it off my face. "And you're wearing a skirt. You never wear a skirt. It's cute by the way."

"Thanks. I got it online in the end of summer sale last year."

"I really like it." I shot her another smile. "Have you seen Lord Douche this morning?"

"Briefly. Why?"

"Anna said he had 2 cups of coffee this morning."

"Oh. Yeah I needed to talk to him about something so he made drinks whilst I sorted out what I needed."

"Ooo. Spill."

"It was nothing. I might be moving so it was just about when it might be and stuff, then he wanted to go over this week like normal. Usual shit."

"Oh right. Why you moving?"

"Just think it might be time." I shrugged. "How's your week looking anyway? Busy?"

"It's slowed down a little, He sent an email to me and Alan downstairs saying that he needs to handle his own stuff and stop passing sales work to me when it's not my job. Alan was livid."

"I bet he was. He's always got something to complain about."

"Yeah, I think it's gonna come up in this meeting though. I'm so jealous you get to be a fly on the wall for these things. Everyone's gonna complain."

"I doubt that. It just the end of month catch up. There's not too much to complain about. Not when people are just doing their jobs now."

"I guess." The door pushed open Alex locking eyes with me and then moving to Alice.

"Good morning Alice."

"Mr. Seagrave." She nodded at him, turning her head back to filling the water glasses. Alex walked around to his spot at the front of the room by the screen, putting his laptop down and sitting in his seat.


"Hm." I looked up, soft smile on my lips, cool and casual. Like everything was grand.


"Tea." He raised an eyebrow. "Oh, sorry, thought we were naming drinks. Didn't realise it was a question." Alice snickered. "Can I make you a coffee?"

"Yes please." I nodded, grabbing my phone, and standing up.

"No problem. I'll be back in a few minutes." He didn't look up as me and Alice left the room, her immediately giggling at me when the door closed.

"God you can be horrible."

"What? He just said a word to me. Did he expect me to just know what he wanted?" My phone buzzed in my hand and I glanced at it.

8:58am- Lord Douche-
That attitude is going to get you in
serious trouble Poppy.

"I can't believe you actually just said that. I thought you were worried he'd sack you."

"No, I looked at my contract, he can't unless I do something seriously wrong, like hit someone or something. Plus, who else is going to make his coffee and text him every morning to make sure he's awake?"

"Is he a child?" I chuckled, popping the kettle on. The office was a lot busier than it had been when I was last stood here. People chattering as the managers from different departments started to gather for the meeting.

"Might as well be." Alice put a finger over her lips, creeping over to the doorway and listening carefully to the conversation going on. My phone buzzed again and I peeked down.

9:03am- Lord Douche-
I'm gonna take you out on Sunday.

9:03am- Me-
No can do.
Thanks for the offer though 😊

I locked my phone as Alice came back over.

"Oh my god."


"Anna thinks Lord Douche fucked someone in here this morning."

"What? Why?" I turned my head to her with a smile, like it was the juiciest gossip I'd ever heard in my life.

"She came in whilst he was making your coffee this morning and she said it just smelled of - you know."

"OH." I nodded with a giggle. "I wonder who it was. There was no one here when I got in."

"No one?"

"Not even him. Do you think it could have been the cleaners? I know they're around in a morning. Maybe they were cleaning in here and just-"

"Oh my god." She laughed, holding onto my arm. "That's hilarious." I snickered.

"It can't have been him though. I was doing emails when he came in and no one else was in the office." She nodded. "Wait, I didn't check downstairs."

"AL!" I nodded, biting my lip with a smile. "HAHA! Jesus, who the hell is giving into that?" I turned around, thinking about who I could pass this off onto. I don't think Alice had any clue about me and Alex. Not after how I spoke to him back there.

"Someone from sales obviously. Maybe they're doing it for a commission boost." Alice grinned. "Anyway, I should take this back to Lord Douche. Have a good week."

"You too Penny." 

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