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I think me proving him wrong about the papers knocked him down a peg. The past three weeks, Alex hadn't pulled another stunt like that. I'd found his manners had improved a little too. Slightly less demanding, when he needed something, he was using his manners which I felt like I needed to give him a gold star for. I texted him every morning at 6am before to make sure he was awake; I wasn't pulling any shit about chasing him down if he didn't reply. I'd done my side of it.

I was working out his routine now too so it was making his little list of demands easier to follow and they weren't that bad really. They were my job at the end of the day, I think it just came down to how he'd put them across. Cocky and rude, I'd found it off putting. But I got here at 8, turned his computer on for him and logged it in so it was ready and everything was loaded when he got here, I'd turn mine on and do my rounds of checking the office stock supplies, make his drink, and put it on the desk just as he was walking through the front door. I'd be sat back at my desk before he got to me, my own hot drink, and a soft smile as I settled in for the day.

We didn't talk much, not really. The odd bit of small talk but nothing major. The weather, plans for the weekend, did you have a nice evening. That kind of thing. I gave the same answer every time he asked, it was great thanks, how was yours. If he asked me my plans, I didn't have anything planned but I'd probably end up at a friends again. Nothing ever super specific, not even a friend's name but he was content with that answer and I didn't fancy making up any other details.

I was planning on working through lunch today. I didn't need to; I was just hoping I could get out a little early if I'm honest. My birthday weekend and I just wanted to be alone as it got closer. Hide out at home and recap everything. Make sure I'm on track for everything. Get some chores done that I've been meaning to do for a while but have been too tired to. Sleep. God I wanted to sleep for a year.

My desk phone buzzed as I slipped my lunch out of my bag and onto the desk, not even having a chance to take the lid off before I had to answer his call.

"I thought you were taking lunch." Not even a hello. No surprises there.

"I am, I was just going to sort the end of week reports for you."

"Bring it in here."

"I haven't done them yet; I was just about to-"

"Your lunch Penny." I stared at the phone, then down at my food, turning my head. "Well? Come on." The line went dead and I slowly put the phone down, sighing as I gathered my food and drink. I really didn't want to be around people right now. I just wanted to get today over with. And of everyone, Alexander Seagrave was the last person I wanted to be around. Especially since he seemed to be a little short fused today. I pushed his door open, looking up at his empty desk and furrowing my brow. "Over here." I turned my head 90 degrees to the seating area down the far end of the office that never seemed to get used, nor had I particularly noticed it before.

The windows seemed to go from the floor to ceiling, looking out over the entire city. For what had started as such a cloudy March day, it looked beautiful from up here. Almost like it was hot outside even though it felt like it was just above freezing. He looked up as he put his own box down, standing up and looking at me as I stood awkwardly in the middle of the room.

"Why do you always look like you're never sure what to do Penny?" He sat down, slight smile on his face. "Come and sit down, eat." I took a breath, walking across the room and sitting down opposite him, suddenly not feeling hungry in the slightest. "I realised that I've been here almost a month and you're the one person I speak to dozens of times a day, yet I know almost nothing about you."

"I could say the same for you." He pulled his legs up onto the sofa, crossing them before grabbing his box and looking up at me.

"You're not eating." He raised an eyebrow at me until I filled my fork with my own pasta salad, putting it in my mouth. A single nod from him and he turned back to our conversation. "Tell me about yourself."

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